The Tyee: If Notley Exits, Who Will Take Her Place? #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AlbertaMinisterofEnvironmentShannonPhillips #Edmonton-CentreNDPcandidateDavidShepherd #AlbertaNDPLeaderRachelNotley #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #DeputyPremierSarahHoffman #AlbertaConservativeParty #AlbertaMLARakhiPancholi #Albertaelection2019 #Albertaelection2023 #Albertapolitics #CalgaryStampede #KathleenGanley #AlbertaRCMP #AlbertaNDP
#BCNews #TheTyee #albertaministerofenvironmentshannonphillips #edmonton #AlbertaNDPLeaderRachelNotley #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #deputypremiersarahhoffman #albertaconservativeparty #albertamlarakhipancholi #albertaelection2019 #albertaelection2023 #Albertapolitics #calgarystampede #kathleenganley #albertarcmp #albertandp
The Tyee: Alberta, BC and Women in Politics #bcnews #TheTyee - via #OfficialOppostionAlberta #Albertaelection2023 #InformedOpinions #AlbertaNDP #AlbertaUCP
#BCNews #TheTyee #officialoppostionalberta #albertaelection2023 #informedopinions #albertandp #albertaucp
The Tyee: Four Mistakes that Cost the Election for Alberta’s NDP #bcnews #TheTyee - via #SafeworksharmreductionsitesCalgary #AlbertaNDPLeaderRachelNotley #AlbertaPremierRachelNotley #AlbertaPremierRalphKlein #CalgaryMayorJyotiGondek #AlbertaNDPcampaign2023 #Albertaelection2023 #AlbertaLiberalParty #JanetBrownpollster #DaveBronconnier #ResearchCo.poll #TakeBackAlberta #UCPcampaign2023 #ThomasLukaszuk
#BCNews #TheTyee #safeworksharmreductionsitescalgary #AlbertaNDPLeaderRachelNotley #albertapremierrachelnotley #albertapremierralphklein #calgarymayorjyotigondek #albertandpcampaign2023 #albertaelection2023 #albertaliberalparty #janetbrownpollster #davebronconnier #researchco #takebackalberta #ucpcampaign2023 #thomaslukaszuk
The Tyee: Why This Is Alberta’s Last Conservative Government #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AlbertaProgressiveConservativeParty #AlbertaNDPLeaderRachelNotley #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #UnitedConservativeParty #AlbertaWildroseParty #Albertaelection2023 #SaskatchewanParty #SaskatchewanNDP #EdmontonSun #JasonKenney #LorneGunter #RalphKlein #DonGetty
#BCNews #TheTyee #albertaprogressiveconservativeparty #AlbertaNDPLeaderRachelNotley #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #UnitedConservativeParty #AlbertaWildroseParty #albertaelection2023 #saskatchewanparty #saskatchewanndp #edmontonsun #JasonKenney #lornegunter #ralphklein #dongetty
Looking forward to our next show with #SethKlein to apply #ClimateEmergencyUnit's 6 Markers of the #ClimateEmergency (based on his book) to what we saw during #AlbertaElection2023. We can't get better if we don't even know where we are.
#sethklein #climateemergencyunit #climateemergency #albertaelection2023 #yyc #abpoli #climatechange
I don’t understand. But I’m going to start calling Albertans ‘Bertans, said like ‘Muricans.
#albertaelection2023 #extremism
Danielle Smith’s UCP has won the #alberta election. What now? Analyzing the results of a razor-thin race - The Globe and Mail
#albertaelection2023 #extremism #alberta
I’m sad to see the #Alberta election results. I feel Rachel Notley was the better choice. But that’s how #democracy works. We need to find a way to end the “us versus them” dialogue so prevalent during elections and build bridges that help all the people. #albertaelection2023 #cdnpoli
#cdnpoli #albertaelection2023 #Democracy #alberta
Apparently there's a problem with the tabulators not working. Well, that means it's going to be a long night. I'm going to bed.
#alberta #abvotes #albertaelection2023
Learn more about the Calgary Climate Hub's #AlbertaElection2023 Climate Platform on our latest #ClimateLens episode, featuring platform co-author (and Hub co-chair) Rob Tremblay!
And THIS JUST IN: Last week's #AlbertaElection2023 debate night goes under the Climate Lens
PODCAST 1: Alberta's Climate Platform and the Wildfire Vote
PODCAST 2: SPECIAL EDITION - The Great Climate Debate That Wasn’t
#albertaelection2023 #climatelens #yyc #climate #abpoli #ableg
Whoever wins tonight has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here:
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023
Learn more about the Calgary Climate Hub's #AlbertaElection2023 Climate Platform on our latest #ClimateLens episode, featuring platform co-author (and Hub co-chair) Rob Tremblay!
And THIS JUST IN: Last week's #AlbertaElection2023 debate night goes under the Climate Lens
PODCAST 1: Alberta's Climate Platform and the Wildfire Vote
PODCAST 2: SPECIAL EDITION - The Great Climate Debate That Wasn’t
#albertaelection2023 #climatelens #yyc #climate #abpoli #ableg
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here:
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023
Learn more about the Calgary Climate Hub's #AlbertaElection2023 Climate Platform on our latest #ClimateLens episode, featuring platform co-author (and Hub co-chair) Rob Tremblay!
And THIS JUST IN: Last week's #AlbertaElection2023 debate night goes under the Climate Lens
PODCAST 1: Alberta's Climate Platform and the Wildfire Vote
PODCAST 2: SPECIAL EDITION - The Great Climate Debate That Wasn’t
#albertaelection2023 #climatelens #yyc #climate #abpoli #ableg
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here:
#AlbertaElection #abpoli #ableg #yyc #ClimateChange #AlbertaElection2023 #Urbanism #ActiveTransportation
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #albertaelection #abpoli #ableg #yyc #climatechange #albertaelection2023 #urbanism #activetransportation
Your Sunday morning podcast is HERE. Fire up that morning coffee and enjoy. And have a GREAT Sunday! #yyc
#AlbertaElection2023 #AlbertaWildfires #ClimateChange
#yyc #albertaelection2023 #albertawildfires #climatechange
Dear Alberta,
The government you elect is the government you deserve.
Thomas Jefferson
#albertaelection2023 #democracy #UCP #NDP #climatechange #albertawildfires
#albertawildfires #climatechange #ndp #UCP #democracy #albertaelection2023
Catch up on the Hub's latest #AlbertaElection2023 Climate Lens Coverage:
PODCAST 1: Alberta's Climate Platform & the Wildfire Vote
PODCAST 2: The Great Climate Debate That Wasn’t
#albertaelection2023 #yyc #climate #abpoli #ableg #albertawildfire
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here:
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023
Learn more about the Calgary Climate Hub's #AlbertaElection2023 Climate Platform on our latest #ClimateLens episode, featuring platform co-author (and Hub co-chair) Rob Tremblay!
And THIS JUST IN: Last week's #AlbertaElection2023 debate night goes under the Climate Lens
PODCAST 1: Alberta's Climate Platform and the Wildfire Vote
PODCAST 2: SPECIAL EDITION - The Great Climate Debate That Wasn’t
#albertaelection2023 #climatelens #yyc #climate #abpoli #ableg