A logging company has its eyes set on clearcutting some of 's popular trailheads. 's Devon Earl and co-host 's Molli Bennett talk about what that area means to them & why Calgarians should care.

PODCAST: podcastics.com/episode/243873/

#braggcreek #albertawildernessassociation #albertaenvironmentalnetwork #conservation #climatechange #yyc #abpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

A logging company has its eyes set on some of 's popular trailheads. 's Devon Earl and co-host 's Molli Bennett talk about what that area means to them & why Calgarians should care.

PODCAST: podcastics.com/episode/243873/

#clearcutting #braggcreek #albertawildernessassociation #albertaenvironmentalnetwork #yyc #conservation #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago