Alberta’s oil industry faces an uncertain future amid Saudi Arabia’s push for net-zero emissions. The Middle Eastern kingdom plans to diversify its economy and become a global leader in renewable energy. On the other hand, Alberta relies heavily on its oil sand production, accounting for 79.2% of Canada’s oil output.
#albertaoil #saudiarabia #netzero
Global News BC: Trans Mountain pipeline construction costs balloon again — this time to $30.9B #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TransMountainPipelineexpansion #TransMountainPipeline #TransMountainCorp. #Albertaoilandgas #AlbertaPipelines #TransMountain #AlbertaOil #Pipelines #Economy #Canada #Money #Oil #TMX
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #TransMountainPipelineexpansion #TransMountainPipeline #transmountaincorp #albertaoilandgas #albertapipelines #transmountain #albertaoil #pipelines #economy #Canada #money #oil #tmx