The Tyee: Alberta, BC and Women in Politics #bcnews #TheTyee - via #OfficialOppostionAlberta #Albertaelection2023 #InformedOpinions #AlbertaNDP #AlbertaUCP
#BCNews #TheTyee #officialoppostionalberta #albertaelection2023 #informedopinions #albertandp #albertaucp
The erasure of the population that eschews voting is purposefully struck from the record every election.
Those who do not find any figurehead or party appealing are consistently the largest plurality every election cycle. The "silent majority" is not contained by any form of political salvation (much less the 'right' wing), but is instead actively restrained externally by state forces.
They do not need the "support" of a "party of the people" saturated with bourgeois terminology and aspirations, but rather spirited examples of active cells fed by a similar desire for construction of an alternate world via destruction.
Next time someone says "You didn't vote, you can't complain" ask them if they really feel their vote changed anything.
You didn't vote?
Your party (🎉🤪🥳) likely won the largest plurality of the population but the nationstate is avoiding their own illegitimacy through installation of a minority-supported 'representative'. I thought liberal democracy was about "majority rules."
#ABpol #ABpolitics #ABpoli #albertagov #albertandp #albertaucp #anarchy #anarchism
#abpol #abpolitics #abpoli #albertagov #albertandp #albertaucp #anarchy #anarchism
The Tyee: Where They Stand: The UCP and NDP on Four Key Issues #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AlbertaGreenPartyLeaderJordanWilkie #LoriWilliamsMountRoyalUniversity #YellowheadInstitute #SarahOlsen-Biggs #RobertHoule #AlbertaNDP #AlbertaUCP #NajibJutt
#BCNews #TheTyee #albertagreenpartyleaderjordanwilkie #loriwilliamsmountroyaluniversity #yellowheadinstitute #saraholsen #roberthoule #albertandp #albertaucp #najibjutt
I’ll be voting for Samir Kayande NDP in the Alberta election next month.
I require sanity and focus in my politicians, not batshit crazy. Both Kenney and Smith don’t represent me and our MLA Schweitzer well, he disappeared and never stood up to his leader. I’ve had enough UCP for now.
#alberta #albertandp #albertaucp #daniellesmith #rachelnotley #ableg #albertaelection #samirkayande #calgaryelbow
#alberta #albertandp #albertaucp #daniellesmith #rachelnotley #ableg #albertaelection #samirkayande #calgaryelbow
The #AlbertaUCP released a statement from #TorryTanner, a #UCP candidate from #Lethbridge who lied about what is taught in schools.
It appears that poor Torry is sad that her bald faced lies are able to be used against her.
This glaring character flaw is endemic in the #UnitedConservativeParty and the #ConservativePartyOfCanada
#albertaucp #torrytanner #ucp #lethbridge #unitedconservativeparty #conservativepartyofcanada #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #alberta
The Tyee: How Damaging Is the Danielle Smith Recording? (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #NDPjusticecriticIrfanSabir #Albertapolitics #Couttsblockade #AlbertaUCP
#BCNews #TheTyee #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #ndpjusticecriticirfansabir #Albertapolitics #couttsblockade #albertaucp