15 books to get to know me
- #UnderstandingMedia by #MarshallMcluhan
- #ExpandedCinema by #GeneYoungblood
- #TheMythofSisyphus by #AlbertCamus
- #NakedLunch by #WilliamSBurroughs
- #ParableSeries by #OctaviaEButler
- #OntheRoad by #JackKerouac
- #MondoUtah by #TrentHarris
- #YouCan'tWin by #JackBlack (no, not that one)
- #MobyDick by #HermanMelville
- #PeopleoftheAbyss by #JackLondon
- #SpurtofBlood by #AntoninArtaud
- #ShockDoctrine by #NaomiKlein
-anything by #Samuel Beckett
-random #HughNibley article
-anything by #ChrisHedges
#understandingmedia #marshallmcluhan #expandedcinema #geneyoungblood #themythofsisyphus #albertcamus #nakedlunch #WilliamSBurroughs #parableseries #OctaviaEButler #ontheroad #jackkerouac #mondoutah #trentharris #youcan #jackblack #mobydick #HermanMelville #peopleoftheabyss #jacklondon #spurtofblood #antoninartaud #shockdoctrine #naomiklein #samuel #hughnibley #chrishedges
Mutlu olmak için başkalarıyla fazla ilgilenmemek gerekir.
Mutlu olmak için başkalarıyla fazla ilgilenmemek gerekir.
Discovering Milan Kundera (1929-2023) in 1985 and giving “The Joke” to my father for Christmas. #111Words #MilanKundera #TheUnbearableLightnessOfBeing #TheJoke #MichaelHenryHeim #MyFather #AlbertCamus #Fiction #Translation #CzechLiterature #FrenchLiterature https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/07/discovering-milan-kundera-1929-2023-in.html
#FrenchLiterature #czechliterature #translation #fiction #albertcamus #myfather #michaelhenryheim #thejoke #TheUnbearableLightnessOfBeing #MilanKundera #111words
"... su verdadera enfermedad era la vejez, y la vejez no se cura..."
“Since we are not wise men, our deity has not spared us, for we do live in interesting times. In any case, our era refuses to allow us to ignore it. The writers of today already know this. If they speak out, they are immediately criticized and attacked. If they remain silent out of humility, no one will ever speak of anything but their silence, to raucously reproach them.” ~Albert Camus https://lithub.com/albert-camus-on-the-responsibility-of-the-artist/ #writers #bookstodon #AlbertCamus
#writers #bookstodon #albertcamus
They fancied themselves #free, and no one will ever be free so long as there are pestilences
> Not only did he admire the painters of the early Renaissance, he applied serious analysis of his own to their techniques, observing about the Siennese and Florentine Primitives: “Their insistence on making monuments smaller than men is a result not of an ignorance of the laws of perspective but of a persistence in giving importance to the men and saints whom they depict.”
#Camus #AlbertCamus on #HumanScale #SacredScale #FlorentinePrimitives #RenaissanceArt #Sienneese
#sienneese #RenaissanceArt #florentineprimitives #sacredscale #humanscale #albertcamus #camus
> Not only did he admire the painters of the early Renaissance, he applied serious analysis of his own to their techniques, observing about the Siennese and Florentine Primitives: “Their insistence on making monuments smaller than men is a result not of an ignorance of the laws of perspective but of a persistence in giving importance to the men and saints whom they depict.”
#Camus #AlbertCamus on #HumanScale #SacredScale #FlorentinePrimitives #RenaissanceArt #Sienneese
#sienneese #RenaissanceArt #florentineprimitives #sacredscale #humanscale #albertcamus #camus
Le dialogue, relation des personnes, a été remplacé par la propagande ou la polémique, qui sont deux sortes de monologue.
#AlbertCamus / L'homme Révolté (1951)
Il n'est pas de punition plus terrible que le travail inutile et sans espoir.
#AlbertCamus / Le mythe de Sisyphe (1942)
Always go too far, because that's where you will find the #truth
"Still, obviously, one can't be sensible all the time." — Albert Camus — — — #AlbertCamus #quote #quotes #sensible #sensibility #consistent #always
#albertcamus #quote #quotes #sensible #sensibility #consistent #always
"Alas, after a certain age every Barbie is responsible for her face."
–Albarbie Camus
#meme #memes #barbiemovie #humor #humour #funny #camus #albertcamus #existentialism #absurd #absurdity
#absurdity #absurd #existentialism #albertcamus #camus #funny #humour #humor #barbiemovie #memes #meme
L'absurde n'a de sens que dans la mesure où l'on n'y consent pas.
#AlbertCamus / Le mythe de Sisyphe (1942)
"Toute forme de mépris, si elle intervient en politique, prépare ou instaure le fascisme" #AlbertCamus #Présidentielles2027
#albertcamus #presidentielles2027
Gregor Samsa from Franz Kafka’s “Die Verwandlung” (1917) in Bruno Latour’s “Ou suis-je? Leçons du confinement à l'usage des terrestres" (2021). #111Words #BrunoLatour #FranzKafka #GregorSamsa #DieVerwandlung #Metamorphosis #OuSuisJe #AlbertCamus #LeMytheDeSisyphe https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/03/gregor-samsa-from-franz-kafkas-die.html
#lemythedesisyphe #albertcamus #ousuisje #metamorphosis #dieverwandlung #gregorsamsa #franzkafka #brunolatour #111words