Wisdom in Space · @wisdom
8 followers · 413 posts · Server botsin.space

We can still read words on papyrus; we don't know how long it will be possible to read a text inscribed in a 2004 CD. This is not a complaint, just a reminder.
-- Alberto Manguel

#quotes #albertomanguel #computers #photography #panorama #sunrise #sacandagalake #adirondacks #newyork

Last updated 1 year ago

Almanaque · @Almanaque
278 followers · 221 posts · Server masto.pt

João Pedro George ensaia uma arqueologia do estranho caso Manguel, analisando os vestígios da fantástica operação cultural em torno da biblioteca do autor argentino:


🎨 @liaferreira

#almanaque #almanaquemag #joaopedrogeorge #albertomanguel #CML #lisboa

Last updated 1 year ago

Almanaque · @Almanaque
264 followers · 121 posts · Server masto.pt

Diogo Ramada Curto elucida-nos um pouco acerca do "folhetim ".

"Do pouco que se sabe acerca de Alberto Manguel, há dados que necessitam de ser confirmados. Mas, de modo geral, será sempre necessário escrutinar o figurão em causa, uma vez que lhe foram concedidas condições de privilégio, pelo menos à escala da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa."

Leia, aqui:

Foto: Ludek Maderyc

#albertomanguel #almanaque #almanaquemag #diogoramadacurto

Last updated 2 years ago

Kate Jones :verified: · @katrintheresa
85 followers · 516 posts · Server infosec.exchange

“Through experience, the girl has learned to keep her books out of his reach.

Her mother does not believe in fiction: ‘So many complications, so much passionate love in those novels,’ she tells her daughter. ‘In real life, people have other things on their minds…’

Now, stretched out in the muffled bed, holding the treasured book in both hands and propping it up on her stomach, she has established not only her own space but her own measure of time.”

Chapter: Private Reading

#albertomanguel #books #ahistoryofreading

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Hicks · @dustystacks
37 followers · 67 posts · Server zirk.us

The Philosophy of Libraries

I've had Packing My Library on my To Read pile for a while, but the reading challenge gave me the impetus to pick it up.

I loved 's perspective on libraries, literature and reading. I relished the way he allowed his thoughts to wander off on certain topics, and the way these apparently disparate digressions all threaded together into a coherent whole.


#novellasinnovember #albertomanguel #Books #novnov22 #NonfictionNovember

Last updated 2 years ago

Angelica Hopes · @AngelicaHopes
0 followers · 3 posts · Server universeodon.com

“Books may not change our suffering, books may not protect us from evil, books may not tell us what is good or what is beautiful, and they will certainly not shield us from the common fate of the grave. But books grant us myriad possibilities: the possibility of change, the possibility of illumination.”
- Alberto Manguel
Meeting a great author, an amazing essayist. 2013

#albertomanguel #books #grateful #flashback #angelicahopes #writersunlimitedwinternachtenfestival #thehague

Last updated 2 years ago

Os Livros de Maria · @OsLivrosDeMaria
6 followers · 17 posts · Server mastodon.world

“Nós somos o que nós lemos. E, se lemos pouco, pouco somos.”


#albertomanguel #leitores #leitura #livros #literatura

Last updated 2 years ago