[HD] 伊藤みどり Midori Ito – 1992 Albertville Olympic – Free Skating https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1778845/global-beauties/
#1992WinterOlympics(OlympicGames) #Albertville #figureskating #Hario7 #HDTV #LADIES #MidoriIto #PianoConcerto #Rachmaninov #МидориИто #олимпиадаабервиль #アルベールビル・オリンピック #トリプルアクセル #ハイビジョン #ピアノ協奏曲 #フィギュアスケート #ユリア・リプニツカヤ #ラフマニノフ #伊藤みどり #女子 #無断転載 #高画質
#1992winterolympics #albertville #figureskating #hario7 #hdtv #ladies #midoriito #pianoconcerto #rachmaninov #мидориито #олимпиадаабервиль #アルベールビル・オリンピック #トリプルアクセル #ハイビジョン #ピアノ協奏曲 #フィギュアスケート #ユリア・リプニツカヤ #ラフマニノフ #伊藤みどり #女子 #無断転載 #高画質
Holy #Cow !
Shot taken with #Nikon #D7200 #DSLR and #zoom #lens #Nikkor AF-S DX 16-80mm f/2,8-4E IF ED VR Nano. No post-production (direct #jpg file).
#MastoPhotos #photography #Savoie #Savoy #Alpes #Alps #Albertville #mastophoto #MastoPhotography #animal #animals #AnimalPhotography #vache #vaches #bovin #cute #mastophotos #photo #photos #faune #nature #naturephoto #naturephotography #sauvage
#cow #nikon #d7200 #dslr #zoom #lens #nikkor #jpg #mastophotos #photography #savoie #savoy #alpes #alps #albertville #mastophoto #mastophotography #animal #animals #animalphotography #vache #vaches #bovin #cute #photo #photos #faune #nature #naturephoto #naturephotography #sauvage
#Earthquake (#séisme) M2.1 strikes 29 km SE of #Albertville (#France) 7 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1235578
#earthquake #seisme #albertville #france
Update: M2.5 #earthquake (#séisme #TremblementDeTerre) strikes 27 km SE of #Albertville (#France) 8 min ago. https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1233165
#earthquake #seisme #tremblementdeterre #albertville #france
#Earthquake (#séisme) M2.1 strikes 26 km SE of #Albertville (#France) 7 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1233165
#earthquake #seisme #albertville #france
The first time I saw a #mole in real life ❤️ .
Shot taken with #D7200 #DSLR and AF-S DX Zoom #Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED #lens. No post-production (direct #jpg file).
#MastoPhotos #photography #Savoie #Savoy #Alpes #Alps #Albertville #mastophoto #MastoPhotography #animal #animals #AnimalPhotography #taupe #cute #mastophotos #photo #photos #faune #nature #naturephoto #naturephotography #sauvage
#mole #d7200 #dslr #nikkor #lens #jpg #mastophotos #photography #savoie #savoy #alpes #alps #albertville #mastophoto #mastophotography #animal #animals #animalphotography #taupe #cute #photo #photos #faune #nature #naturephoto #naturephotography #sauvage
#Ivy on a #ruined #stone #wall, with a #sunset in the background. Shot taken with #D7200 #DSLR and AF-S DX Zoom #Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED #lens. A little color cheating with the white balance set to “cloudy” to get warmer and more realistic colors. No post-production (direct #jpg file).
#bokeh #dusk #DuskPhotography #DepthOfField #DOF #MastoPhotos #photography #Savoie #Savoy #Alpes #Alps #Albertville #Landscape #SunsetPhotography #dawn #dawnphotography #mastophoto #MastoPhotography
#ivy #ruined #stone #wall #sunset #d7200 #dslr #nikkor #lens #jpg #bokeh #dusk #DuskPhotography #depthoffield #dof #mastophotos #photography #savoie #savoy #alpes #alps #albertville #landscape #sunsetphotography #dawn #dawnphotography #mastophoto #mastophotography
#Sunset from the Haute-Combe de #Savoie, and with a view on, from right to left, the #Savoyarde, the #Granier and the edge of the #Chartreuse which overhangs the #Dauphiné valley (#Isère).
Shot taken with #D7200 #DSLR and AF-S DX Zoom #Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED #lens.
No post-production (direct #jpg file). #MastoPhoto #MastoPhotos #photography #Savoie #Savoy #Alpes #Alps #Albertville #Landscape #SunsetPhotography #Grenoble #Chambéry
#sunset #savoie #savoyarde #granier #chartreuse #dauphine #isere #d7200 #dslr #nikkor #lens #jpg #mastophoto #mastophotos #photography #savoy #alpes #alps #albertville #landscape #sunsetphotography #grenoble #chambery
An old #village #house.
Shot taken with #D7200 #DSLR and AF-S DX Zoom #Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED #lens.
No post-production (direct #jpg file). A little color cheating with the white balance set to “cloudy” to get warmer and more realistic colors. #MastoPhoto #MastoPhotos #photography #Savoie #Savoy #Alpes #Alps #Albertville #Landscape #Vintage
#village #house #d7200 #dslr #nikkor #lens #jpg #mastophoto #mastophotos #photography #savoie #savoy #alpes #alps #albertville #landscape #vintage
#MastoPhoto #MastoPhotos #photography #Savoie #Savoy #Alpes #Alps #Belledonne #Maurienne #Albertville #Landscape #winter #winterphotography #Paysage #Hiver
Shot taken with #D7200 #DSLR and AF-S DX Zoom #Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED #lens.
Post-production made with #Darktable #OpenSource #FreeSoftware (for GNU/#Linux)
#mastophoto #mastophotos #photography #savoie #savoy #alpes #alps #belledonne #maurienne #albertville #landscape #winter #winterphotography #paysage #hiver #d7200 #dslr #nikkor #lens #darktable #opensource #freesoftware
#Conflans #medieval #village near #Albertville in #Savoy (#Savoie), at #Dusk.
#EndOfDay #Afternoon #DOF #DepthOfField #Bokeh #Lens #PrimeLenses
Shot taken with #Nikon #D7200 #DSLR and #Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 G DX #PrimeLens. Some chromatic aberration appear on tree branches because I took this photo "wide open" ... and because I only took it as a JPG file.
#conflans #medieval #village #albertville #savoy #savoie #dusk #endOfDay #afternoon #dof #depthoffield #bokeh #lens #PrimeLenses #nikon #d7200 #dslr #nikkor #primelens
#Earthquake (#séisme) M2.5 strikes 27 km E of #Albertville (#France) 7 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1203026
#earthquake #seisme #albertville #france
My #village in the #frenchalps #Savoy, near #Albertville.
Shot taken with #fujifilm X-T1 hybrid camera and its 35mm f/1.4 #primelens. #PrimeLenses #FujifilmXT1 #MastoPhoto #MastoPhotos #photography #countryside #countrysidephotography #france #countrysidephoto #alps #Savoie #photographer #photographers
#village #frenchalps #savoy #albertville #fujifilm #primelens #PrimeLenses #fujifilmxt1 #mastophoto #mastophotos #photography #countryside #countrysidephotography #france #countrysidephoto #alps #savoie #photographer #photographers
RT @DLFSavoie@twitter.com
Soutenez notre candidat @DLF_Officiel@twitter.com avec Nicolas @dupontaignan@twitter.com de la 2e circonscription de la Savoie
Ce matin au marché à #Albertville à votre rencontre ⤵️
#legislatives2022 #Savoie #Marché #Elections2022 https://twitter.com/CiceriMathieu/status/1525422498485092354
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DLFSavoie/status/1525425756096061442
#elections2022 #marché #savoie #legislatives2022 #albertville
RT @CiceriMathieu@twitter.com
Une autre politique est possible, celle des français authentiques qui résistent contre cette société totalement déshumanisée où l'argent gouverne et dicte nos choix.
#legislatives2022 #12juin
#circo2 #savoie #moûtiers #albertville #Ugine #Beaufort #BourgSaintMaurice #valdarly
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CiceriMathieu/status/1523572860303798272
#valdarly #BourgSaintMaurice #Beaufort #Ugine #albertville #moûtiers #savoie #circo2 #12juin #legislatives2022
RT @DLFSavoie@twitter.com
Retrouvez Nicolas @dupontaignan@twitter.com, président de @DLF_Officiel@twitter.com et député de l'Essonne sur @France24@twitter.com @RFI@twitter.com
🔹Réagissez avec #MardiPol
♦️#Albertville #darmanin #Schiappa #milligorus #Merkel #tourcoing #europe #Macron #2022NDA #COVID19 #vaccin #France #passeportSanitaire
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DLFSavoie/status/1384464996285902853
#passeportSanitaire #france #vaccin #COVID19 #2022NDA #macron #europe #tourcoing #merkel #milligorus #schiappa #darmanin #albertville #MardiPol
RT @DLFSavoie@twitter.com
Retrouvez Nicolas @dupontaignan@twitter.com, président de @DLF_Officiel@twitter.com et député de l'Essonne sur @France2tv@twitter.com
🔹Réagissez avec #les4V
♦️#Albertville #LoiSeparatisme #darmanin #Schiappa #milligorus #NotreDameDeParis #lepen
#Macron #2022NDA #COVID19 #vaccin #France #dupontaignan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DLFSavoie/status/1383690451731943426
#Dupontaignan #france #vaccin #COVID19 #2022NDA #macron #lepen #notredamedeparis #milligorus #schiappa #darmanin #LoiSeparatisme #albertville #les4v
RT @DLFSavoie@twitter.com
Retrouvez @AlexVilp@twitter.com porte-parole de @DLF_Officiel@twitter.com invité de @CNEWS@twitter.com 🔹Réagissez avec #MidiNews
♦️#IledeFrance #castex #COVID19 #Strasbourg #EELV #Elections2021
#Nord #Albertville #Moretti #milligorus
#2022NDA #France #Veran #Cnews #NotreDameDeParis #Economie
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DLFSavoie/status/1382779743813177349
#economie #notredamedeparis #CNews #veran #france #2022NDA #milligorus #moretti #albertville #Nord #elections2021 #eelv #strasbourg #COVID19 #Castex #iledefrance #midinews
RT @DLFSavoie@twitter.com
Nicolas @dupontaignan@twitter.com sur @Le_Figaro@twitter.com dans l’émission #Letalk
#Elections2021 #Albertville #France #Vaccin #COVID #macron #figaro #presidentielles2022 #AstraZeneca #mosquée #darmanin #separatisme
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DLFSavoie/status/1381525516197494786
#separatisme #darmanin #mosquée #astrazeneca #presidentielles2022 #figaro #macron #covid #vaccin #france #albertville #elections2021 #letalk
RT @AlexVilp@twitter.com
Delire total à #Albertville
#milligorus doit être interdite immédiatement.