Mitoma: De Zerbi Lets Me Play To My Strengths #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #Albion #AmexStadium #brighton #BrightonHoveAlbion #epl #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #Goal #honda #Hove #interview #japan #Japanese #Kagawa #Kaoru #KaoruMitoma #mitoma #Nakamura #PremierLeague #RobertoDeZerbi #Seagulls' #wolves #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030 #三笘薫
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #albion #amexstadium #brighton #brightonhovealbion #epl #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #goal #honda #hove #interview #japan #japanese #kagawa #kaoru #kaorumitoma #mitoma #nakamura #premierleague #robertodezerbi #seagulls #wolves #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030 #三笘薫
Children in Grade 4, School #2, #Buffalo, #N.Y. All of them worked in #CannerySheds at #Albion, #Wilson, #Hamburg, etc., last summer. Ages run from 10 to 13 years. Entered school late. Location: #Buffalo, #NewYorkState)
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#buffalo #n #cannerysheds #albion #wilson #hamburg #newyorkstate #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
The thing with #Albion, you don't need to turn your silver into gold if you make a #Guild and use it as your personal #BankDepositBox.
#bankdepositbox #guild #albion
Why #rs3 is #freemium while #Albion isn't?
One of the things to look at is that when you are #FreeToPlay in Runescape3 / #OSRS you can't access some stuff, like ie. a lot of the quests, you can't access some areas, some areas locked by skills you can't train due to them being locked to members.
I don't find this decision bad. I see something really good that Albion could learn from its sibling.
Albion doesn't have a unified trading system like rs does.
Albion is missing a lot!
#OSRS #freetoplay #albion #freemium #RS3
I don't play #Albion because I'm bored of #Runescape. No!
I do play Albion to compare it to Runescape, see what it's like.
#rs3 got #bonds, Albion has like #gold and you can turn gold into #premium for 1 month. But you gotta pay a lot too.
So far what seems to be working the best is to create an alt(which the game allows you to do by default), then complete the tutorial and get 3 days premium...with it you #grind stuff on your #ox, upgrading ox as needed. #Profit.
#profit #ox #grind #premium #gold #Bonds #RS3 #runescape #albion
Take that #Albion!
I'm playing #Runescape now. Your game refused to start up 2 times now.
#FlatHub is not the problem. YOU are the problem. #Jagex at least made a game that doesn't constantly crash on #SteamDeck / #Linux.
I'm laughing at you #SandboxInteractive. You need to #GitGud
#gitgud #sandboxinteractive #Linux #SteamDeck #jagex #flathub #runescape #albion
#Albion is actually a very bad game.
Just look at it. #Runescape wins in some areas where Albion is super bad, it's like "brain damage" bad!
And #Albion isn't doing anyone any favors.
Very #unstable. #Bad, very bad.
The only reason it wins over #Runescape is when #Jagex forces everyone to use 20 character passwords and later when your account gets hacked, they say "This is what happens when you don't use a Jagex account".
#jagexwillneverlearn #jagex #runescape #bad #unstable #albion
lolz... Look who followed my bird account. So disappointed it's not a parody account. Ntl, how sweet of them to enlist my prestige in their valiant endeavour.
#UKPolitics #RoyalFamily #KingCharles #KingCharlesIII #Albion #Britannia 😀
#ukpolitics #royalfamily #kingcharles #kingcharlesiii #albion #britannia
#ADDICTION #Albion #ASMR #Cancam #GIVENCHY #GUERLAIN #THREE #Vlog #voiceactor #アイシャドウ #アイブロウ #アイブロウマスカラ #アディクション #アルビオン #エクシア #キャンキャン #ゲラン #コスメタッピング #コスメレビュー #コスメ紹介 #ささやき #ジバンシー #ジバンシイ #シミ #ジョーダン #スウォッチ #スキンケア #そばかす #マウスボイス #リップ #リップクリーム #乳液 #保湿 #化粧水 #囁き #声優 #声優ASMR蒼井翔太の新作コスメレビューが本気で参考になる #夏メイク #新作 #新作コスメ #春メイク #男性声優 #眉毛 #睡眠用 #美容 #美容液 #美白 #蒼井翔太 #音フェチ
#addiction #albion #asmr #cancam #givenchy #guerlain #three #vlog #voiceactor #アイシャドウ #アイブロウ #アイブロウマスカラ #アディクション #アルビオン #エクシア #キャンキャン #ゲラン #コスメタッピング #コスメレビュー #コスメ紹介 #ささやき #ジバンシー #ジバンシイ #シミ #ジョーダン #スウォッチ #スキンケア #そばかす #マウスボイス #リップ #リップクリーム #乳液 #保湿 #化粧水 #囁き #声優 #声優asmr蒼井翔太の新作コスメレビューが本気で参考になる #夏メイク #新作 #新作コスメ #春メイク #男性声優 #眉毛 #睡眠用 #美容 #美容液 #美白 #蒼井翔太 #音フェチ
#ADDICTION #Albion #ASMR #Cancam #GIVENCHY #GUERLAIN #THREE #Vlog #voiceactor #アイシャドウ #アイブロウ #アイブロウマスカラ #アディクション #アルビオン #エクシア #キャンキャン #ゲラン #コスメタッピング #コスメレビュー #コスメ紹介 #ささやき #ジバンシー #ジバンシイ #シミ #ジョーダン #スウォッチ #スキンケア #そばかす #マウスボイス #リップ #リップクリーム #乳液 #保湿 #化粧水 #囁き #声優 #夏メイク #新作 #新作コスメ #春メイク #男性声優 #眉毛 #睡眠用 #美容 #美容液 #美白 #蒼井翔太 #蒼井翔太がささやくコスメレビューに挑戦トキメキが止まらないしょーたんに注目 #音フェチ
#addiction #albion #asmr #cancam #givenchy #guerlain #three #vlog #voiceactor #アイシャドウ #アイブロウ #アイブロウマスカラ #アディクション #アルビオン #エクシア #キャンキャン #ゲラン #コスメタッピング #コスメレビュー #コスメ紹介 #ささやき #ジバンシー #ジバンシイ #シミ #ジョーダン #スウォッチ #スキンケア #そばかす #マウスボイス #リップ #リップクリーム #乳液 #保湿 #化粧水 #囁き #声優 #夏メイク #新作 #新作コスメ #春メイク #男性声優 #眉毛 #睡眠用 #美容 #美容液 #美白 #蒼井翔太 #蒼井翔太がささやくコスメレビューに挑戦トキメキが止まらないしょーたんに注目 #音フェチ
The last wooden bridge on Route 1 along the California coast, this is the Albion River Bridge. Built in 1944, when steel and concrete were scarce, it is constructed mostly of salvaged wood. One thousand feet long, it towers over the mouth of the river and Albion Flat Beach. Local residents have resisted efforts to replace the bridge, and a group called the Albion Bridge Stewards do a lot to keep the bridge in safe operating order.
#PhotoMonday #FotoMontag #Photography #Fotografie #Bridge #Albion #River
#Photomonday #Fotomontag #photography #fotografie #bridge #albion #river
How cute! #ThrowbackThursday to the 1960s where these kids from the local 4H club were preparing for a show with their baby goats! Were you ever in a 4H club?
#MapleRidgeMuseum #MRMuseum #MRM #MapleRidgeBC #MapleRidge #Albion #BCMuseums #BCHeritage #BCHistory
#throwbackthursday #mapleridgemuseum #mrmuseum #mrm #mapleridgebc #mapleridge #albion #bcmuseums #bcheritage #bchistory
Happy #MuseumMonday ! Back in the 1960s, these three ambitious kids had a dream to sell BBQ chicken at the fall fair. Here they are at opening day of their small business.
#MapleRidgeMuseum #MRMuseum #MRM #MapleRidge #MapleRidgeBC #Albion #BCMuseums #BCHeritage #BCHistory
#museummonday #mapleridgemuseum #mrmuseum #mrm #mapleridge #mapleridgebc #albion #bcmuseums #bcheritage #bchistory
#Albion #VOCE #アルビオン #アルビオンファンデ #ヴォーチェ #コスメ #ツヤ #パウダー #ファンデ #ファンデーション #プリンプパウダレスト #ベースメイク #新作ファンデ #田中みな実 #美容 #美肌 #透明感 #雑誌付録
#albion #voce #アルビオン #アルビオンファンデ #ヴォーチェ #コスメ #ツヤ #パウダー #ファンデ #ファンデーション #プリンプパウダレスト #ベースメイク #新作ファンデ #田中みな実 #美容 #美肌 #透明感 #雑誌付録
"Albion Valiant (interior)"
"Albion Valiant Coach at Tacla Taid"
Both cc-by-sa/2.0 - © David Dixon
LJ 9501, a 1934 Albion Valiant coach on display in the workshop building at Tacla Taid, Anglesey Transport Museum.
Tacla Taid translates as “Grandad’s tackle”.
#Anglesey #SirYnysMon #Museum #Wales
#interior #motorcoach #charabanc #Albion #TaclaTaid #Photography #Geograph
#anglesey #sirynysmon #museum #wales #interior #motorcoach #charabanc #albion #taclataid #photography #Geograph
Albion Chieftain ex furniture lorry pantechnicon owned by Traveller Dave.
#albion #travellerdave #lorries #trucks #travellerhomes #essonne #lalocomotionenfete
#10GamesToKnowMe (in no particular order)
- #Metroid series (esp. Super Metroid)
- #Kirby series (esp. Super Star)
- #FinalFantasy series (esp. 7 - 10, as well as #FFXIV)
- #KingdomHearts
- Mana series (#SecretOfMana / #SecretOfEvermore / #TrialsOfMana)
- #RollerCoasterTycoon (esp. OpenRCT2)
- #SimCity (esp. SimCity 3000)
- #MegaMan series (esp. Mega Man X series)
- #SonicTheHedgehog (esp. #Sonic 3 & Knuckles, #SonicMania)
- #Albion (the 1995 DOS RPG from Blue Byte)
#albion #sonicmania #sonic #sonicthehedgehog #megaman #simcity #rollercoastertycoon #trialsofmana #secretofevermore #secretofmana #kingdomhearts #ffxiv #finalfantasy #kirby #metroid #10gamestoknowme