Album of the Day 42: Aerial M by Aerial M
A very mellow post-rock/slowcore album with a guitar focus. This is one of many solo albums by David Pajo, former member of Slint, Tortoise, Zwan, The For Carnation, Household Gods, etc.
My picks: "Dazed and Awake," "Skrag Theme," "Always Farewell"
Album of the Day: Fit The Paradigm by Jack Butler
Not Jack Butler from Michigan, nor J Butler from Pittsburgh, nor Steve Vai's character from the movie Crossroads. Instead, this was a Scottish rock band (their label says "indie-funk-dance") that released this album in 2009 and a single in 2017. Their Facebook page says they jammed earlier this year, so it's not completely dead.
My picks: "From Plea to Paper," "Boy Vs Beast," "Surgery 1984"
Dang if this CD reorg project isn't just a super fun time machine. Shocking how many I forgot I had. Found 2 copies of Rush's Moving Pictures & Warpaint's Exquisite Corpse bc clearly forgot I already had them. Got reacquainted with the Girls Town sountrack which is EXCELLENT! And the German pop band Tokio Hotel.
Good times.
Speaking of Mick Jones, doing a CD reorg today. Came across this gem from 1991. The title song The Globe features these still relevant lyrics like "Waking up the Global Warming way" and "It's hotter than a microwave." I remember back in the day driving around in my little blue Honda Civic with this blaring out of my crappy speakers.
Album of the Day 3: All Those Things I Thought I Knew by emzae
Album of the Day 40: Endtroducing..... by DJ Shadow
Instrumental hip-hop/trip-hop/plunderphonics masterpiece. "Building Steam With a Grain of Salt" samples another album from yesterday's AOTD artist Mort Garson. Between this album sampling Prince of Darkness and Psyence Fiction sampling Jacob's Ladder, I'm convinced DJ Shadow has good taste in movies. 😆
My picks: "Changeling," "Stem / Long Stem (Medley)," " Midnight In A Perfect World"
Album of the Day 39: Mother Earth's Plantasia by Mort Garson
1976 electronic album composed for plants to listen to. If you bought a plant from Mother Earth in Los Angeles, you got a copy of Plantasia with it. Or bought a mattress from Sears, naturally.
"Zelda's Lullaby" borrows liberally from "Concerto for Philodendron & Pothos."
My picks: "Symphony for a Spider Plant," "Swingin' Spathiphyllums," "Concerto for Philodendron & Pothos"
Album of the Day 2: Shades of Rainbow by Miki Yamanaka.
Out today!
Album of the Day 38: Spilt Milk by Jellyfish
Basically "what if you threw Supertramp, Queen, The Beatles, and the Beach Boys in a blender, but in '93 when everyone wanted grunge." Wonderfully produced power pop that's full of excess.
Also, the lead singer was the drummer. Who played drums standing up. Crazy.
My picks: "Joining a Fan Club," "New Mistake," "The Ghost At Number One," "All is Forgiven,"
Album of the Day 1: You signed up for this by Maisie Peters.
Thanks to Hideo Kojima by introducing her to me lmao
Album of the Day 36: Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
While Talk Talk initially found success with synth-pop, the later albums turned experimental, culminating in the post-rock masterpiece Laughing Stock. Jazzy, spacious, with a melancholic undertone throughout.
I can't pick my favorites on this album, I love all of it.
Album of the Day 34: Dream Tempest by 36
A wonderful ambient album with hints of melancholy. There's a bit more intensity towards the back half—a bit more active, a bit more gain—before closing back down with the calm "Entropy."
And "Hyperbox" shows up, a track which might be a bit of place on this album, but I still love it.
My picks: "Sun Riders," "Play," "Hyperbox," "Always"
Album of the Day 32: Mouth Silence by Neil Cicierega
My favorite of the "Mouth" series of albums, all wonderfully executed mashups of classic songs in the most chaotic ways possible. Incredibly unexpected pairings and complete reworking of snippets into new creations, all designed to make you laugh while being as catchy as possible.
My picks: "Best," "Numbers," "Wndrwll," "Piss"
(Almost forgot to post for today. 😅)
If you're looking for recommendations beyond #Bandcamp or #BandcampFriday, check out #AlbumOfTheDay, #AOTD, and #30DaySongChallenge.
I've been doing #AlbumOfTheDay for the past month, inspired by @sudaksis, who's closing in on a year—and I think it's entirely a physical collection!
As for the 30 Day Challenge, I know @auzzy has recently completed theirs. Found out about 1 Mile North and Nisennenmondai thanks to them!
#bandcamp #bandcampfriday #albumoftheday #aotd #30daysongchallenge
Album of the Day 32: To Be Kind by Swans
Dark and intense experimental rock.
My picks: "Screen Shot," "A Little God In My Hands," "Oxygen"
Album of the Day 31: Leaves Turn Inside You by Unwound
Post-hardcore with an experimental bent, dipping into a few adjacent genres like noise rock and post-rock.
A friend and I joke about the "casual filter" at the beginning of the opening track "We Invent You," consisting of a two minute drone; overall, though, the opening track accurately sets expectations for the album.
My picks: "Terminus," "October All Over," "Below the Salt"
Album of the Day 30: Playtime by L'indécis
Wonderful jazzy instrumental hip-hop. It's a short one, packing seven songs into 20½ minutes, but it flies right by.
My picks: "Le Sud," "Rekindling," "Playtime"
It took awhile for Soen to grow on me for some reason, but I’m glad they finally did!
#AlbumOfTheDay #AotD #Metalhead #ProgMetal #SetTheMood #Soen
#albumoftheday #aotd #metalhead #progmetal #setthemood #soen
Album of the Day 29: 1979 by Deru
An ambient/electronic album fully of melancholy and nostalgia.
My picks: "1979," "Let the Silence Float," "The Future Never Comes"
Album of the Day 28: 2039 by Tom Mauritzon
The soundtrack to a cyberpunk film that does not exist. A blend of electronica, metal, classical, ambient, etc., yet it all feels like a very cohesive whole.
My picks: "X [Opening]," "Sprawl [20 years later]," "Transhumanism [Credits]"