@Missrdevine @liztai @PandaLeaf
I am planning to move Alchemy of Souls up on my watch list because of the My Lovely Liar.
Will I be disappointed?
#kdrama #mylovelyliar #alchemyofsouls
So I finished the first season of Alchemy of Souls and started s2, I'm now 2 episodes in.
I am so confused! How can se be in Naksu's body when in s1 they burned it? Because it can't be her "real" body because that got petrified and they mentioned they had to move her to new body. :blobcatpopcornnom: :blobcatnotlikethis:
#kdrama #AlchemyOfSouls
I'm about to finish the last episode of the first season of #AlchemyOfSouls :awwwblob:
This show is so good!!! 😍😍😍
Also this ending tho!! :blobcateyes:
#KDrama #Netflix
#alchemyofsouls #kdrama #netflix
There is not nearly enough fantasy shenanigans in this show.
#AlchemyOfSouls #kdrama
Holy shit! Is Eunuch Kim a twin???? No, don't tell me!
Klämde två avsnitt av #AlchemyOfSouls igår och insåg att vi återigen hamnat i den där handlingen där den känslomässiga protagonisten ska få ha hand om ett massförstörelsevapen för att rädda sin vän. Inledningsvis känns detta som något oerhört asiatiskt, som jag sett i andra asiatiska berättelser(från långfilm till anime).
#AlchemyofSouls Whew. I really enjoyed both seasons. The world-building was great, situations fascinating, costumes amazing, but the last episode of season 2 was so clunky and rushed compared to the rest. Think they needed at least one more episode to sort out all the loose ends. And I so wanted the turtle to come back.
#AlquimiaDasAlmasParte2 (#AlquimiaDasAlmas #AlchemyOfSouls #환혼)
Mestre Lee casou Jang Uk e Naksu. Eles subiram na árvore. Mataram Jin Mu, a tal assembleia e o pássaro de fogo. Dang-gu e Cho-yeon tiveram gêmeos, Yul virou mestre, Srta Heo tá namorando.
#alquimiadasalmasparte2 #alquimiadasalmas #alchemyofsouls #환혼
#AlquimiaDasAlmasParte2 (#AlquimiaDasAlmas #AlchemyOfSouls #환혼)
Ufa! Príncipe tá trabalhando com Jang Uk. Bu-yeon pode ser a Seol-ran (1a grande sacerdotisa da família Jin). Ela colocou uma pedra de gelo vazia no Jin Mu pra matá-lo. A rainha e o idiota do tio do Yul foram tentar resgatar o Jin Mu em Gwido e acabaram sendo mortos. Ele trocou de corpo com o tio e agora o rei vai apoiar as loucuras dele. Agora tem guerra!
#alquimiadasalmasparte2 #alquimiadasalmas #alchemyofsouls #환혼
Terminada #LoveToHateYou
Visto el 2x08 de #AlchemyofSouls
el 3x06 de #DerryGirls
y el 1x05 de #TheLastOfUs
#lovetohateyou #alchemyofsouls #derrygirls #TheLastOfUs
Fan of #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #supernatural #wolfpack #StarGate #StargateAtlantis #Hellraiser most of the classic #slashers #foundFootage #hauntedObjects #KoreanHorrorMovies #kdrama, currently obsessed with #AlchemyOfSouls
I read mostly urban fantasy #kimHarrison #seananMcguire #PatriciaBriggs
It's been a while since I checked out new authors. If you like those authors, tell me who to check out!
Love any music you can dance to #GoaTrance #disco #80sNewWave #00spop #SistersOfMercy #RobZombie
#goatrance #disco #80snewwave #00spop #sistersofmercy #robzombie #startrek #startrektos #supernatural #wolfpack #stargate #stargateatlantis #hellraiser #slashers #foundfootage #hauntedobjects #koreanhorrormovies #kdrama #alchemyofsouls #kimharrison #seananmcguire #patriciabriggs
#AlquimiaDasAlmasParte2 (#AlquimiaDasAlmas #AlchemyOfSouls #환혼)
Conseguiram salvar o Seo Yul. 🙌 Srta Heo tá cada vez mais incoveniente. Príncipe tá indo pro caminho errado. Naksu recuperou a memória e próximo epi Jang Uk vai saber a vdd.
#alquimiadasalmasparte2 #alquimiadasalmas #alchemyofsouls #환혼
#AlquimiaDasAlmasParte2 (#AlquimiaDasAlmas #AlchemyOfSouls #환혼)
Park Jin finalmente pediu a Srta. Kim em casamento. 🥳 Já tava começando a torcer por So-i e Seo Yul quando ela morreu. 🥺 Alguém precisa salvá-lo (mesmo ele querendo matar a Naksu).
#alquimiadasalmasparte2 #alquimiadasalmas #alchemyofsouls #환혼
El otro día vi el 1x3 de #TheLastofUs y ayer acabé #Goblin y me vi el 2x03 y 2x04 de #AlchemyOfSouls y el 1x01 de #LaChicadeNieve
#TheLastOfUs #goblin #alchemyofsouls #lachicadenieve
#AlquimiaDasAlmasParte2 (#AlquimiaDasAlmas #AlchemyOfSouls #환혼)
Queria ter 10% da ousadia da Naksu: já chegou inventando uma gravidez. 🤣 Não aguento a fofura q é o casal Park Jin e Srta Kim. A Srta Heo tá muito venenosa. Alguém cure o Seo Yul 🙏
#alquimiadasalmasparte2 #alquimiadasalmas #alchemyofsouls #환혼
Toca ver hoy serie de espadachines mágicos intimidantemente guapos.
Just finished #AlchemyOfSouls I'm going to have one heck of a drama hangover for a few days. It was so good. The second season started to seem a bit rushed around episode 8. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. The ending reminded me a lot of Hwayugi.