Cindy Weinstein · @CindyWeinstein
935 followers · 2188 posts · Server
WACOCA · @wacoca
22 followers · 37413 posts · Server
Anu Lahtinen · @anulahtinen
666 followers · 2028 posts · Server

Turun kaupunginteatterin suuren näyttämön toteutus Pikku naisista oli komea ja kosminen. Kirja ja elokuvat kulkivat mukana, mutta tulkinta oli omansalainen, hyvässä mielessä.

#pikkunaisia #alcott #littlewomen

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer Doyle · @fromaleftwing
71 followers · 200 posts · Server

Wonderful meditation on Louisa May - this is something my grad school friend circle took up in our writing in the late 90s/early 00s, tho w/o this author's language. It's why I teach today: the novel invites readers to project themselves into worlds, ways of being that don't quite exist—if ever a book "made" readers gay/trans/queer/nonbinary, it's this one!

#alcott #littlewomen

Last updated 2 years ago

𝐿𝒶𝓃𝒶 · @LadyDragonfly
192 followers · 194 posts · Server

Here's something I bet they never taught you in school.

Louisa May , the author of , the seminal text about girlhood, was a man. Let's examine the evidence.

- Went by the name Lou
- wrote "I am more than half-persuaded that I am, by some freak of nature, a man’s soul put into a woman’s body.”
- referred to himself as a "gentleman"
- kids called him "papa"
- when he went to serve in the war as a nurse, his dad said he felt "like he was losing his only son".

#alcott #little #women #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

DaveShep · @davewordnerd
80 followers · 265 posts · Server

Just listening to a discussion of Little Women on the Allusionist podcast. This thought came into my head again:

Louisa May Alcott grew up and lived in New England, where people famously say “Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd.” Why, then, do American actors and scholars rhotacize the R in the name Marmee?

Would Alcott not have pronounced this to rhyme with “mommy”? Isn’t that what she meant? Mahmee?

#dialect #alcott #littlewomen #newengland #literature

Last updated 2 years ago

gilly yes that one · @gillyarcht
338 followers · 596 posts · Server

Off the top of my head. These may or may not help to know me, but they will usually be found on my bookcase
1. A Wrinkle In Time
2. Little Women
3. Neuromancer /or/ Distrust That Particular Flavor (varies by week)#Gibson
4. People of the Book
5. The Third Policeman
6. The Good Earth
7. Danny Dunn & the Automatic House

#7books #madeleinelengle #alcott #brookes #obrien #pearlsbuck #williams #abrashkin

Last updated 2 years ago

S Wadsworth · @sawadsworth
432 followers · 219 posts · Server

Not literally -- more like the middle -- but this is the center of gravity, with on the upper left, just a dab of because most of it's at home, and a long, uneven line of extending all the way to the edge.

#mytopshelf #alcott #henryjames #melville #reading #books #academia

Last updated 2 years ago