Chart for Starship Launch
Set for 17 April 2023 @noon local time.
Worth noting:
* Mars rising in Cancer
* Midheaven in Aries conjunct Neptune and the Moon in Pisces
* Mars sextile Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus
* Saturn conjunct Fomalhaut, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, known as the Watcher of the South, and associated with Archangel Gabriel.
* Venus conjunct Aldebaran, one of the Royal Stars of Persia. Known as the Watcher of the East, it is associated with Archangel Michael
* Venus conjunct Part of Fortune
* Nodes in positive aspect to Saturn
* Sun approaching square to Pluto in Aquarius
* Moon & Neptune square the Galactic Centre
* Moon & Mars slightly detrimented
#space #starship #fixedstars #astrology #electionalastrology #royalstarsofpersia #aldebaran #fomalhaut
#Space #starship #fixedstars #astrology #electionalastrology #royalstarsofpersia #aldebaran #fomalhaut
See the planet #Venus glide past not one but two star clusters this month. Look west at dusk and find bright Venus high in the sky. Then, with binoculars, look on either side of it. To the right (in mid-northern latitudes) is the #Pleiades star cluster, which appears like a tiny Big Dipper. To the left is the #Hyades star cluster marked most notably by the bright orange star #Aldebaran. The cyan line with points/dates marks its location each night through the 20th.
đź“·: Stellarium simulation
#venus #pleiades #hyades #aldebaran
Maravillosa noche! El cielo es un espectáculo. Una #Luna bien acompañada por la constelación de #Orión, el cúmulo de las #Pléyades el planeta #Marte y la estrella #Aldebarán. #Júpiter y #Venus mañana culminan su acercamiento.
#luna #Orion #pleyades #marte #aldebaran #jupiter #venus
EarthSky | Moon near Mars February 27 and 28
#astronomy #space #earth #moon #mars #orion #aldebaran #science
#astronomy #Space #earth #moon #mars #orion #aldebaran #Science
For those looking for the dim M7.1 #CometZTF, it's *kind of easy* to spot tonight 2/15, near orange star #Aldebaran, the eye of #Taurus the bull, not to be confused with a nearby brighter, rustier looking #Mars. Look for a disappointing smear of gray in the telescope.
#cometztf #aldebaran #taurus #mars
Encore une semaine calme dans le ciel !
- La #Lune est au dernier quartier le lundi 13/02.
- La #comète C/2022 E3 (ZTF) cette semaine traverse la constellation du Taureau. Dans la nuit du 14 au 15, elle sera aux côtés de #Aldebaran en traversant l'amas ouvert des #Hyades
#ephemerides #astronomy #astronomie #Astrodon
Bonne semaine, bon ciel!
#lune #comete #aldebaran #hyades #ephemerides #astronomy #astronomie #Astrodon
If you want to see the famous green comet at its best and brightest: tonight (5th February) is your night.
Look high in the east around 7pm local time. You'll see bright #Mars and the nearby reddish star #Aldebaran. Continue to the left and you'll find the bright yellow star #Capella. Tonight only, #CometZTF is close enough to Capella to see it in the same binocular field of view. You'll see it as a distinct smudge of light.
đź“·: Stellarium simulation
#mars #aldebaran #capella #cometztf
Moon near Mars January 30 and 31
Posted by Marcy Curran
#moon #mars #astronomy #aldebaran #hyades #pleiades #orion #occultation
#moon #mars #astronomy #aldebaran #hyades #pleiades #orion #occultation
Dans le ciel cette semaine :
- 30/01 Plus grande Ă©longation ouest de #Mercure visible Ă l'aube.
- 30/01 Dans la nuit, joli rapprochement entre les rouges #Mars et #Aldebaran avec notre satellite. Visible Ă©galement le lendemain.
- 05/02 Pleine #Lune Ă 18h29 (TU)
- La #comète C/2022 E3 (ZTF) cette semaine traverse la constellation de la Girafe pour arriver enfin dans le Cocher.
#ephemerides #astronomy #astronomie #Astrodon
Bonne semaine, bon ciel!
#mercure #mars #aldebaran #lune #comete #ephemerides #astronomy #astronomie #Astrodon
De planeet #Mars, #Plejaden of #Zevengesternte (rechtsboven) en #Hyaden met #Aldebaran in sterrenbeeld Stier (middenonder) vanavond.
#aldebaran #hyaden #zevengesternte #plejaden #mars
Mr Max and
@Chrislintott are back! This week they're talking about Mars - the red planet, and Aldebaran - the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus.
If you enjoyed this episode, please tell a friend. One retweet = one treat for Mr Max.
#DogStars #DogStarsPod #Mars #Aldebaran #Taurus #TaurusConstellation #NightSky #Astronomy #Stargazing #LazyStargazing
#dogstars #dogstarspod #mars #aldebaran #taurus #taurusconstellation #nightsky #astronomy #stargazing #lazystargazing
Over the top, and over to #Aldebaran the bright red eye of #Taurus the bull. It’s around 65 LY away. Its light left around the lifetime of a retiree ago. If you look close, you’ll see it’s at the top of a V-shaped group of stars.
Il y a plus de 20 ans, je suis tombé amoureux de cette région du ciel, et pas que pour mon étoile favorite. Y en a-t-il de plus belle dans l'hémisphère Nord ?
Bon solstice d'hiver Ă toutes et Ă tous.
#Orion #Taurus #Betelgeuse #Pleiades #Hyades #Mars #Aldebaran #Rigel
#rigel #aldebaran #mars #hyades #pleiades #betelgeuse #taurus #orion
Few weeks ago at #sido I met the delivery #robot #BellaBot:
It is genuinely cute, provides feedback when moving smoothly and without hitting obstacles.
The robot stays at the tables long enough to get its trays emptied.
Interaction #hri is limited to touching its screen-face.
Too bad #aldebaran’s #PlatoRobot was not there at #sido to compete.
#platorobot #aldebaran #hri #bellabot #robot #sido
Heute (03.12.2022) vor 49 Jahren die #Sonde Pioneer 10 passiert am 3. Dezember den Planeten #Jupiter und liefert erste spektakuläre Bilder aus der Welt der Gasriesen. Danach nimmt sie Kurs auf den #Stern #Aldebaran.
#sonde #jupiter #stern #aldebaran #Astronomiemuseum
If you have clear skies in the UK this evening (a big IF I think), look east to see #Orion, #Mars, Taurus and the #Pleiades cluster. #Aldebaran is orange in colour so looks a bit like Mars, but remember that stars twinkle, planets don’t. Good to see #Betelgeuse is still there! #space #astronomy #Astrodon #lookup
#Orion #mars #pleiades #aldebaran #Betelgeuse #space #astronomy #Astrodon #lookup
My former colleagues from #Aldebaran are proud to demonstrate their service #robot #PlatoRobot:
Looking at the video, it looks smoother than I expected.
I have just discovered that #blog and #podcast about #hri, with a spicy episode about #Aldebaran, the makers of the NAO and Pepper #robots, and my former employer:
#robots #aldebaran #hri #podcast #blog
#Planet# Mars passiert kommende Nacht um 02:45 MESZ den mag 1 hellen #Stern #Aldebaran im #Sternbild #Stier im Abstand von 4°20'42,22" nördlich. Elongation 96° W.
#stier #sternbild #aldebaran #stern #planet