Remi · @remi
65 followers · 663 posts · Server

Aha! With help, I've got Riviera-PRO running in Linux (Windows + WSL). I've got doing a Mode A transmission. I just need the final piece to connect the two and then I've got full cosimulation!

#aldec #gnuradio #sdr #fpga #vhdl

Last updated 2 years ago

Remi · @remi
65 followers · 658 posts · Server

Well appears as if there's no concept of time in . Everything is sample based. It's understandable but means the first helper module I think I will need to write is a sample counter though to provide other modules with a concept of time.


#gnuradio #fpga #aldec #vhdl #riviera

Last updated 2 years ago

Remi · @remi
65 followers · 654 posts · Server

@Tathar Well, for avionics test, I do signal receipt and correlation and demodulation, then the other side modulation and transmission in . However that's not what's making me walk through gnuradio. Apparently has a block that lets you use in co-simulation with -PRO. If I have an easier to work with signal generation or signal analysis tool, it would aid verification.

I've written signal toolbox stuff in VHDL for simulation, but I'll be honest, it's a pain in the ass to work with: tedious to construct and a pain in the ass to modify (depending on what you want.). There's a possibility gnuradio is easier (though also a possibility it is not. I've not yet got through a tutorial that actually gave me a sense of how the tool deals with time. I think it probably doesn't which means if I need a particular timing I will be sample counting and it'll make it anchored to sample rate when it'd just be nicer to wait X microseconds and then modulate.)

#vhdl #aldec #gnuradio #riviera

Last updated 2 years ago

Remi · @remi
65 followers · 635 posts · Server

Progressing further through the tutorials. I'm not sure I"m yet to the point of knowing how to apply time based modulation to the signals, but possibly getting closer.

#gnuradio #sdr #fpga #aldec #riviera #vhdl

Last updated 2 years ago

Remi · @remi
65 followers · 635 posts · Server

Playing around with GNU Radio, a software suite I had no idea existed until the other day. Apparently there's also (when I get more proficient with it) a way to pipe the output of this into Riviera-PRO for FPGA simulation. I have LONG wanted a better signal generation sandbox for verification and this could potentially be very neat. Just a lot of baby steps to learn it, it's a beast of a software and I need to be able to write modulation schemes for SIF, Mode S, et al

#sdr #vhdl #fpga #avionics #aldec #simulation

Last updated 2 years ago

Remi · @remi
3 followers · 20 posts · Server

Finally got the NCO core to properly sim in Riviera simulator. I really hate cores, especially encrypted ones.

#intel #aldec

Last updated 2 years ago