#TV #NCIS "#OldWounds" ended up a very good episode. Still jolting to see #AldenParker lose his cool for much of it, but the jolt was the point.
#tv #ncis #oldwounds #aldenparker
#TV #NCIS "#OldWounds" #NickTorres remarks, "That guy up there is someone we don't even know."
I'd say #AldenParker is acting much like #LeroyJethroGibbs, which isn't working for me.
#tv #ncis #oldwounds #nicktorres #aldenparker #leroyjethrogibbs
#TV #NCIS "#OldWounds" Perhaps too drastic a change in #AldenParker's demeanor w/o explanation, like he's been exposed to #RedKryptonite.
#tv #ncis #oldwounds #aldenparker #redkryptonite