64 years ago:
The Overtaxed (IT,FR)
Original title: I tartassati
Mr. Pezzella owns and operates a well-established luxury-clothing store. He does not like and does not consider it right to pay taxes and therefore uses a tax consultant to be able to evade more taxes.
#TheOvertaxed #Steno #Totò #AldoFabrizi #LouisdeFunès #ClassicMovies
#theovertaxed #steno #toto #aldofabrizi #louisdefunes #classicmovies
69 years ago:
Of Life and Love (IT)
Original title: Questa è la vita
A film made up of four episodes: a jar repairer gets trapped in a vat because of his hunch; a young unmarried mother is forced to beg to buy herself a fan; Rosario Chiarchiaro appears before a law court for casting spells; the discomfort of an overtight jacket gives a wedding witness the strength to...
#OfLifeandLove #AldoFabrizi #LucíaBosé #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies
#oflifeandlove #aldofabrizi #luciabose #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies
Al civico 10 di Vicolo delle Grotte nacque – il 1º novembre 1905 – il grande attore, comico e regista Aldo Fabrizi.
ph @silvanac_56 / IG
#vicolodellegrotte #romasegreta #aldofabrizi #teatrodipompeo
#sampietrini #sanpietrini #stradediroma #streetsofrome #walkinginrome
#walkinginrome #streetsofrome #stradediroma #sanpietrini #sampietrini #teatrodipompeo #aldofabrizi #RomaSegreta #vicolodellegrotte