Moro doveva morire
Ferdinando Imposimato e Sandro Provvisionato nel saggio Doveva morire ricostruiscono la complicata vicenda del rapimento e dell’assassino di Aldo Moro
If there is another spot on this earth where I could find you again, as I found you in Maglie, then I would go there. No matter how dark and foggy the forest, how high the mountain, nor how wild and deep the sea.
#Trekking #Nostalgia #AldoMoro
#trekking #nostalgia #aldomoro
Il “secolo breve” del testimone di Via Fani #Emergenzaestatodieccezione #Magistraturademocratica #Cronachegiudiziarie #Teoriedelcomplotto #AlessandroMarini #RapimentoMoro #Brigaterosse #Magistratura #Lottaarmata #dietrologia #Parabrezza #AldoMoro #viaFani #Anni70 #Boxer
#emergenzaestatodieccezione #MagistraturaDemocratica #cronachegiudiziarie #teoriedelcomplotto #AlessandroMarini #rapimentomoro #brigaterosse #magistratura #lottaarmata #dietrologia #Parabrezza #aldomoro #viafani #anni70 #boxer
Leggo da qualche parte che l'ultimo #luttoNazionale per un politico, in Italia, è stato quello per #AldoMoro.
E niente, è già faticoso così.
Il centro culturale #AldoMoro diventa opera di interesse storico-artistico
San Salvo. Il Centro culturale “#AldoMoro” di San Salvo è stato inserito come opera di interesse storico-artistico tra le circa cinquemila strutture selezionate sul territorio nazionale nell’ambito del “Censimento delle architetture italiane dal 1945 ad oggi” dalla Direzione generale creatività contemporanea del Ministero della Cultura. “E’ una notizia che ci riempie di orgoglio, per
L'articolo Il centro culturale #AldoMoro diventa opera di interesse storico-artistico sembra essere il primo su AbruzzoLive.
The #AldoMoro cultural centre becomes a work of historical-artistic interest
San Salvo. The "#AldoMoro" cultural centre in San Salvo has been included as a work of historical-artistic interest among the approximately five thousand structures selected nationwide as part of the "Census of Italian architecture from 1945 to the present day" by the Ministry of Culture's General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity. "This is news that fills us with pride, for
The article The #AldoMoro cultural centre becomes a work of historical-artistic interest appeared first on AbruzzoLive.
30-5-2023 12:47 #AbruzzoLive
Your sense of time begins to fade.
Days, hours ...they merge into an all-over present
with no past, no future.
Memories, the world outside - just far-away dreams.
What has been left of yourself?
She looks at you and yet she knows,
what she cut off was not a symbol,
but a baffling wild rose.
What does she admire the most ?
Your beauty or your thorns?
Every day, this little toxic plant called certitude
grows bigger.
They don't want you back.
They don't want to negotiate.
Who is more cruel?
Your kidnappers or your friends?
When they see you praying,
so lonely, so vulnerable, with a singular grace,
they may secretly wonder:
are you just an old fool, folding his hands?
Or is there something unknown,
holding them tight?
Your body is not yours any more.
You can't hide it from looks, just like you did before.
You are oppressed so hard, it drives you mad, you say.
Struggling for your sanity,
fighting to keep the freedom of your soul.
You read, you hear what he says.
with his calm, cold voice.
There is anger. Against him, against yourself.
For you always knew how cruel he was.
But you didn't run.
Close your eyes and dive into the big wide skies of Alta Murgia,
where you once sung under a dream of a starry night,
caressed by the gentle zephyr, guarded by the olive trees.
From the deep of your memory, they call you.
Calling you home.
They bring you the news from outside.
Your letters are rejected. You are crazy, they say.
"Not the Aldo we knew", they write.
But your tears are soft, and gentle and true.
You never have been more yourself than now.
Your heart beats for your little one.
Luca, who dwells in every one of your thoughts, in your letters,
You'd give the entire universe to hold him in your arms again.
Just one last time.
All these questions make you reflect
about things you already knew, but didn't want to admit. Facing the truth is so painful.
Two sides - and none of them is yours.
All these letters. Will they ever be sent?
In every new letter lays the ardent hope
that it might be that special one,
the one that will change your fate.
When they leave you alone, with some water and a mirror,
watching yourself fading into the steam of this century, dissolving your voice and and your tears.
But you are still beautiful.
No moon in this cold and smokey darkness,
No answers, no response.
No touch, no love, no guiding light.
No tenderness and no gentle whispers.
Just your lonely, beating heart.
A letter to Cossiga.
You made certain that you didn't put any love, any mystery
in what you wrote. None of these things that he never
understood will be watering down what you have to say.