Thinking about making groups for A-League Men and Women. Thinking @aleague for the men just because it will cause the least friction but for the women I’m think it should be @thedub but I figure let’s vote. #aleague #ALeagueW #ALeagueM #aleagueswomen #aleaguesmen #aleaguewomen #aleaguemen #sokkahdon #mastodonfc #matildas
#aleague #aleaguew #aleaguem #aleagueswomen #aleaguesmen #aleaguewomen #aleaguemen #sokkahdon #mastodonfc #matildas
Oh, and if soccer is now your thing the #ALeague #ALeagueW season will kick off over summer too and you'll find it here when announced
I've almost always found #ALeagueW more entertaining than #ALeagueM. Less frustrating to watch, more positive play style. #WomenInSport #PlayLikeAGirl
#aleague #aleaguew #aleaguem #womeninsport #playlikeagirl