Coming soon in #Ohio? #ALEC releases new raft of model legislation
The Disturbing Power of Corporate Influence on Climate Action and Government
Net Zero’s not enough, and the war on climate action In this episode, Clare and Charlie discuss the incredible amount of extreme weather around the world in 2023, why ‘net zero’ isn’t enough, and the 2025 battle plan from the American political right which seeks to dismantle climate action and make it difficult to put back in the future, too.
#buying #genocide #ecocide #bribery #corruption #profitinterest #corporatecontrol #governments #AmericanRight #globalimpact #climatedisplacement #ALEC #PolicyExchange
#buying #genocide #ecocide #bribery #corruption #profitinterest #corporatecontrol #governments #americanright #globalimpact #climatedisplacement #alec #policyexchange
Nearly 500 ALEC Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Abortion
One of every three state lawmakers working to further restrict abortion rights since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year is affiliated with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) reveals.
Note: ALEC is a sub group of CNP, a christofascist organization controlling dozens of groups.
#abortion #states #ALEC #CNP #billionaires #control #privateinterest #profit #fascism #womensrights #humanrights
#abortion #states #alec #cnp #billionaires #control #privateinterest #profit #fascism #womensrights #humanrights
#Intersections: The tone of the #utility industry filing is that the #industry is committed to the #energytransition and is moving as fast as it can, much different than the stance of #conservative opponents. #CCS and #hydrogen may NOT be available for widespread use in the 2030s — or maybe ever. Unlike the #stateAGs.
#intersections #utility #industry #energytransition #conservative #Ccs #hydrogen #stateags #petrooligarchs #alec #darkmoney #kochbirchsociety
Anti-Woke and Fossil Fuel Industry Operatives Dominate ALEC’s Energy Task Force
The EEA task force has been the primary conduit for the fossil fuel industry to work with climate change deniers to promote model policies that weaken environmental protections and obstruct efforts to address the climate crisis.
This includes advancing model legislation to protect the offending industry from boycotts and a bill designed to punish protestors with stiff penalties and discourage sustained, large-scale demonstrations like those used to fight the Dakota Access Pipeline project.
#climatedenial #organizedfuckery #rightsdenial #fascism #ALEC #governments #profitprotection #bribery #climatecrime
#climatedenial #organizedfuckery #rightsdenial #fascism #alec #governments #profitprotection #bribery #climatecrime
What were a couple of staunch Democrats doing at the #ALEC meeting in Orlando last week?
#StateRepHong & #RepKristina tell @erikgunn
#alec #staterephong #repkristina
@cautionwip @SallyStrange That fits. Since #AnheuserBusch is a right-wing #ALEC member caught donating to #RAGA and perhaps one of the cheapest beers w/a massive clientel in red neck bible belt regions of the US, they can’t have any missteps with the republicans. Not sure how impactful a boycott from the left would be on Budweiser, but certainly a boycott from the right would slaughter them.
@SallyStrange @cautionwip Not sure what #Budweiser did wrong in this case. I hear a can of Bud Lite was sent to a trans TikToker & this is somehow sparked outrage? I don’t get it; I must be missing something. #AnheuserBusch is an #ALEC member, so whatever this 100% rating from #HRC is, it’s a shit rating system. ALEC is a right wing organization that promotes anti-gay politicians, legislation & policy.
#budweiser #anheuserbusch #alec #hrc
“Every big problem needs a face and a name,” the speaker said at the private event hosted by the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council #ALEC “The worst offender out there is BlackRock and Larry Fink.”
Since then, the attacks have been unrelenting. And Fink, founder of the world’s largest investment and risk management firm, has throttled back on the urgency with which he pushes companies to confront climate change.
@garidin Well, to be fair I’ve not boycotted #Visa & #Mastercard 100% in some cases where it would be quite crippling, but I always favor cash when possible & Discovercard as a 2nd choice. Visa & MC only in despiration. (note that #AmEx is worse yet for its #ALEC membership)
The Guardian has described #ALEC as "a dating agency for Republican state legislators and big corporations," to set #rightwing legislative agendas.
#Republican state #lawmakers are literally printing off bills from this website directly without reading or understanding them. They use these corporate backed bills to pass garbage #legislation all across the country.
It shouldn't exist.
#alec #rightwing #republican #lawmakers #legislation #anonymous #opgop #smashthereds
The Guardian has described #ALEC as "a dating agency for Republican state legislators and big corporations," to set #rightwing legislative agendas.
#Republican state #lawmakers are literally printing off bills from this website directly without reading or understanding them. They use these corporate backed bills to pass garbage #legislation all across the country.
It shouldn't exist.
#alec #rightwing #republican #lawmakers #legislation #anonymous
@elliaivyworld Sounds good but I would adjust your phrasing a little. “Kevlar”™ is a brand of #Dupont, & Dupont is a quite evil corp & #ALEC member who stands behind politicians who stand in the way of what that rainbow stands for. Those who would wear a rainbow should be boycotting Dupont.
I would use the term #aramid because (IIUC) that’s the generic brand-independant name for it.
#ALEC shopping new #bill to #conservative states allowing #civil #lawsuit to be filed against anyone who isn’t a #cis #white #christian.
The prevailing #plaintiff gets their choice of sending the #defendant to the #GasChamber, a #FiringSquad, or public #lynching.
#alec #bill #conservative #civil #lawsuit #cis #white #christian #plaintiff #defendant #gasChamber #firingsquad #lynching #notsodystopiannews #tennessee
It seems the #Michigan #Democrats learned the lesson #ALEC taught us -- have legislation ready to fast track up front. Waiting and debating just gives other side a chance to delay until they take back control. Great job pushing through all these great people-focused laws!
Are affiliates and leaders of the Chamber of Commerce capable of shame for propping up conniving Anti-democracy gov't officials via Pay ForPlay year after year for decades to oppress the majority of Americans? #ChamberOfCarbon #ChamberOfCommerce #ALEC
Pls boost
#alec #chamberofcommerce #chamberofcarbon
#5yrsago Chinese surveillance/tech giant #Alibaba joins #ALEC, will start co-authoring US legislation
#5yrsago The future legal shenanigans that will shift liability for pedestrian fatalities involving self-driving Ubers
#5yrsago Alabama Sheriff legally appropriated $750K from #prison meal budgets to build himself a beach house, locked up his whistleblowing gardener
#5yrsago #alibaba #alec #prison
@FrankFrank @TonyStark
Why does the #ALEC handbook look like a promo for the "V" miniseries?
Image from
@jackiegardina Thanks for saying it.
ALEC influential in Prison Industrial Complex, Stand Your Ground and Voter ID laws, deregulation & privatization, gutting environmental & worker protections. They push a con biz agenda over basic human rights and the public interest
Source Watch page on #ALEC
#StandYourGroundLaws #GeorgeZimmerman #TrayvonMartin #GunControl #Corruption #Politics #StatePolitics #Republicans #Conservatives
#conservatives #republicans #Statepolitics #politics #corruption #guncontrol #trayvonmartin #georgezimmerman #standyourgroundlaws #alec