"Ja-Da (Ja Da, Ja Da, Jing, Jing, Jing!)" is a #hitSong written in 1918 by #BobCarleton. The title is sometimes rendered simply as "#Jada." Ja-Da has flourished through the decades as a #jazzStandard. In his definitive American Popular Songs, #AlecWilder writes about the song's simplicity:
#hitsong #bobcarleton #jada #jazzstandard #alecwilder
Thursday #Music:
Widely admired but little known to the public, Alec Wilder wasn't the easiest composer to pigeonhole. This is from a period where he was fronting a woodwinds-and-harpsichord combo pitched to Brunswick under the promise that he could give the label Raymond Scott-style instrumentals. He delivered something above and beyond.
Seldom the Sun - Alec Wilder Octet
#music #alecwilder #jazz #1940spop