Yes ... 2 brilliant movies in one night.....must be in heaven......
#AfterLove movie by #AleemKhan with #JoannaScanlan and #NathalieRichard
#nathalierichard #joannascanlan #aleemkhan #afterlove Red Line With Syed Talat Hussain | 24 July 2023 | O31P #AleemKhan #arnyact #BalighUrRehman #BreakingNews #Budget2023 #ChiefJustice #ElectionCommission #ElectionInPunjab #IMF #ImranKhan #ImranKhanRally #IrfanQadir #LatestNews #PakistaniNews #PDMGovernment #PmImranKhan #PMShahbazSharif #PTI #QaziFaizIsa #RanaSanaulaah #RanaSanaullah #RedLineWithSyedTalatHussain|24Ju #REDLINE #SamaaNews #SamaaNewsLive #SAMAATV #SamaaTVLive #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourt #TopNews
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What a fantastic movie After Love is, so beautifully made, such a great acting performance by #Joannascanlan and a wonderful director in #Aleemkhan. Truly a beautiful film which explores love, grief, betrayal, culture and kinship Had us all in tears.