My earliest encounters with right-wing religious conservatives left me with the impression that they were petty, shallow, close-minded, snobby, moral poseurs.
I'd say young me was right on the money.
#alejandrojodorowsky #santasangre
66 years ago:
The Severed Heads (FR)
Original title: La cravate
A short mime adaptation of a Thomas Mann story about a Parisian urchin who makes her living selling human heads. Lost for nearly 50 years, the movie was found in 2006 by the son of Ruth Michelly and Saul Gilbert when he found it in his mom's attic in Munich.
#TheSeveredHeads #AlejandroJodorowsky #Movies
#theseveredheads #alejandrojodorowsky #movies
Saga Alandora (La saga d’Alandor) - Kolejny pokręcony komiks Jodorwskiego już za mną. Specyficzna kreska Silvio Cadelo do której trzeba przywyknąć . Taką fabułę mógłby wymyślić tylko Alejandro 😁. Jak ktoś lubi inne jego dzieła to myślę ,że to też przypadnie mu do gustu 😃
#AlejandroJodorowsky #SilvioCadelo #Komiks #Comic #scifi #ScienceFiction #FantastykaNaukowa #SagaAlandora #Alandor #LaSagaDAlandor #LesHumanoidesAssocies
#alejandrojodorowsky #silviocadelo #komiks #comic #scifi #sciencefiction #fantastykanaukowa #sagaalandora #alandor #lasagadalandor #leshumanoidesassocies
According to Credit Karma I’m on a roll.. And I’m so feeling it!
Whooz up for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory? I’m buying!
One condition: After dinner we meet up at my place, dress up as furries and watch Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain.
“Let's wait for the blackout
The light is too bright
Let's wait for the blackout
Wait for the night”
#alejandrojodorowsky #theholymountain #furries
I made a movie with Deforum in #stablediffusion. I took inspiration from the opening scene of #alejandrojodorowsky #Dune. Came out with some bizarre stuff.
#stablediffusion #alejandrojodorowsky #dune
Today is #AlejandroJodorowsky 94th birthday!
Dune fans probably know about his attempted #Dune adaptation. It would definitely be a very interesting piece of art and much stranger than the #DavidLynch adaptation.
For those who don't know the story of this failed attempt to make a Dune film, I highly recommend watching "Jodorowsky's Dune". For #Dune and #film fans, it's a must-see documentary!
#alejandrojodorowsky #dune #davidlynch #film #scifi #sciencefiction #frankherbert
TIL that the years 2020, 2021, and 2022 were all produced by #AlejandroJodorowsky
Johnny Darrell is a thief. These images literally copy Tron and this article is garbage.
“It didn’t require any special skills or extensive direction from Johnny Darrell, the Canadian director who made these pictures with an A.I. program called Midjourney.”
#JohnnyDarrell #Dune #Tron #AlejandroJodorowsky #ImageGenerator #Midjourney
#midjourney #imagegenerator #alejandrojodorowsky #tron #Dune #johnnydarrell
#ElTopo by #AlejandroJodorowsky is my favorite film.
It captures the lucid madness of spiritual prophecy caught on celluloid. Twisted, unnerving, and confrontational. This is the film that could change your life.
Slapstick farce mixed with zen, gore, and mysticism. A kind of dissolving of expectations comes through the use of a very specific equivocation of nonreductive meaning.
Using the symbols of the 60's counter-culture to make an ambiguous statement that dissolves any sense of self.
📌 el sendero de lo verdadero... [ #AlejandroJodorowsky ]
#ser #alma #mente #luz #actitud #pensamientos #reflexión #manifiesto #vida #amor #paz #mastodon :mastodon:
#mastodon #paz #amor #vida #manifiesto #reflexion #pensamientos #actitud #luz #mente #alma #ser #alejandrojodorowsky
⚛️ lo que se habla & lo que se dice... [ #AlejandroJodorowsky ]
#ser #alma #mente #luz #actitud #pensamientos #reflexión #frases #vida #expresión #paz #mastodon :mastodon:
#mastodon #paz #expresion #vida #frases #reflexion #pensamientos #actitud #luz #mente #alma #ser #alejandrojodorowsky
⚛️ la medicina & la paz mental... [ #AlejandroJodorowsky ]
#ser #alma #mente #luz #actitud #pensamientos #reflexión #frases #vida #amor #paz #mastodon :mastodon:
#mastodon #paz #amor #vida #frases #reflexion #pensamientos #actitud #luz #mente #alma #ser #alejandrojodorowsky
⚛️ entre plumas blancas & plumas negras... [ #AlejandroJodorowsky ]
#ser #alma #mente #luz #actitud #pensamientos #reflexión #frases #vida #mastodon :mastodon:
#mastodon #vida #frases #reflexion #pensamientos #actitud #luz #mente #alma #ser #alejandrojodorowsky
⚛️ deseos de bien & deseos de mal... [ #AlejandroJodorowsky ]
#ser #alma #mente #luz #actitud #emociones #buenavibra #frases #vida #mastodon :mastodon:
#mastodon #vida #frases #buenavibra #emociones #actitud #luz #mente #alma #ser #alejandrojodorowsky
“Mi piace sviluppare la mia coscienza” - Alejandro Jodorowsky #28Settembre #AlejandroJodorowsky
#alejandrojodorowsky #28settembre
El amor adulto no se busca,
No se encuentra.
No lo compras.
No se conquista.
El amor adulto crece y se expande entre dos corazones presentes y disponibles.
Ahí se da un acontecimiento mágico.
Dos personas disponibles no se encuentran por necesidad.
No vienen a cubrir ninguna vacante.
No sustituyen a nadie...
No ocupan el lugar de alguien que estuvo antes.
Dos almas disponibles se miran respetuosamente y se dicen:
"Tú contigo y luego conmigo.
Yo conmigo y luego contigo".
❤️🔥 #amor