English #Alevel maths question leaked.
To get an A answer the following question:
In a hypothetical scenario
#parkinson took out one of the Sun Life garanteed over 50 plans he used his "trusted status" to sell to old people on his 50th birthday.
He paid in every month until his death, knowing he would lose his entire premium if he stopped paying in.
How much would he have ripped himself off?
Disadvantaged #students to bear brunt of grade deflation, say experts -
#SocialMobilityFoundation says it expects #GCSE and #ALevel attainment gap based on income to grow this year.
#ToryPoliciesInAction #HelpTheRichFuckThePoor #Education
#education #helptherichfuckthepoor #torypoliciesinaction #alevel #gcse #socialmobilityfoundation #students
BBC News: Fake GCSE and A-level exam papers sold on Instagram and TikTok BBC News - Fake GCSE and A-level exam papers sold on Instagram and TikTok
#scams #scam #gcse #alevel #exampapers #fakeexampapers #exampapersforsale #instagram #tiktok #exams
Just released: The Big Issue [Media Studies, A Level, WJEC] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/the-big-issue-media-studies-a-level-wjec/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: The Big Issue is a set text for Media Studies A Level under the WJEC Exam Board.
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
Just released: Vogue [Media Studies, A Level, WJEC] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/vogue-media-studies-a-level-wjec/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: 1965's Vogue magazine with Sophia Loren on the cover is a set text for Paper 2 of Media Studies A Level under the WJEC Exam Board.
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
Just released: Attitude - Media Studies [A Level, WJEC] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/attitude-media-studies-a-level-wjec/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: Attitude Magazine is a men's gay lifestyle magazine and a topic in Component C: Online Media for Media Studies A Level, WJEC exam board (Paper 2).
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #alevel #wjec
Just released: Zoella - Media Studies [A Level, WJEC] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/zoella-media-studies-a-level-wjec/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: Zoella won't come up in an exam after 2023.
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
Just released: English Lit/Lang Anthology [Edward VIII] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/english-lit-lang-anthology-edward-viii/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board]
This has not yet come up in an exam.
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #english #alevel #ocr
Just released: English Lit/Lang Anthology [Edward Thomas] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/english-lit-lang-anthology-edward-thomas/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board]
This has not yet come up in an exam.
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #english #alevel #ocr
Just released: English Lit/Lang Anthology [Isabella Bird] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/english-lit-lang-anthology-isabella-bird/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board]
This has not yet come up in the anthology exam.
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #english #alevel #ocr
Just released: English Lit/Lang Anthology [A Modest Proposal] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/english-lit-lang-anthology-a-modest-proposal/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board]
A Modest Proposal has never been sat in an exam before.
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #english #alevel #ocr
Just released: English Lit/Lang Anthology [Malaka Gharib] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/english-lit-lang-anthology-malaka-gharib/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board]
Text: Malaka Gharib: "I was their American Dream" 2019.
This hasn't come up in an anthology exam yet.
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #english #alevel #ocr
Just released: English Lit/Lang Anthology [Chief Joseph's Speech] Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/english-lit-lang-anthology-chief-joseph-s-speech/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board]
This anthology text has not yet come up in an exam.
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #english #alevel #ocr
Just released: Black Pantheer Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/black-pantheer/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: Black Panther for Media Studies A Level (WJEC Exam Board)
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #media #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #media #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
Just released: Media Studies A Level - Tide Cheat Sheet by churger
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/churger/cheat-sheets/media-studies-a-level-tide/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: This is a simplified version of the exam board's Tide (1950's) information for Media Studies A Level (WJEC Exam board).
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #media #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #media #alevel #wjec #mediastudies
To all UK Philosophy Teachers! The inaugural conference of the Association of Philosophy Teachers ( #APTConf23 ) takes place June 26th 2023 in Birmingham. The keynote address will come from Angie Hobbs and there will be sessions from leading academics, the Philosophy for/with Children movement (The Philosophy Foundation and SAPERE), experienced philosophy teachers and representatives from all the major exam boards.
The link to sign up is here: https://tickets.ruddockpac.co.uk/sales/events/ruddock-hall/association-of-philosophy-teac/ticket
And the more detailed event brochure can be seen here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFguct8ck8/EIhJUIEBL6wm631SGcDXeA/view?utm_content=DAFguct8ck8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Share this post and the info in it widely in your networks so we can not only have a great conference but grow the Association of Philosophy Teachers. Many thanks!
#aptconf23 #philosophy #alevel #conference #apt
Back with a new Philosophy Unleashed after a long spring break: https://www.philosophyunleashed.com/theblog/152-inspired-philosophy-where-do-ideas-come-from This week I’m looking at what inspiration is, and why it is. Check it out and enjoy!
#Philosophy #PhilosophyUnleashed #Inspiration #Improv #Writing #Deadlines #Florida #Perception #Teaching #School #ALevel #Exams
#philosophy #philosophyunleashed #inspiration #improv #writing #deadlines #florida #perception #teaching #school #alevel #exams
At DHUK we offer #History #ALevel and #GCSE tuition by qualified #teachers with a track record of helping students make outstanding progress. See our website for testimonies: diversehistory.co.uk/what-people-say #tutors #education #teacher5oclockclub #teachers
#history #alevel #gcse #teachers #tutors #education #teacher5oclockclub