Watched #SevenKingsMustDie It could easily have been made into another series instead of squishing A LOT into just under 2 hours. But I loved it nevertheless. The jeopardy of knowing that Uthred would have to be killed off or fans would still clamour for more, made for tense viewing 🫣 & the battle scenes were truly epic. What a brilliant cast & crew! And what an incredibly emotional ending! Can’t wait to watch it again! ⚔️ 👑 #TheLastKingdom #BernardCornwell #AlexanderDreymon #MarkRowley
#sevenkingsmustdie #thelastkingdom #bernardcornwell #alexanderdreymon #markrowley
SEVEN KINGS MUST DIE (2023) Movie Trailer: Alexander Dreymon Returns for One Final THE LAST KINGDOM Tale
#FilmBook #MovieTrailer #AlexanderDreymon #AlexandraToth #ArnasFedaravicius #CavanClerkin #EwanHorrocks #HarryGilby #IngridGarcia-Jonsson #JamesNorthcote #MarkRowley #MovieTrailer #Netflix #NickWittman #RodHallet #RossAnderson #SevenKingsMustDie #TheLastKingdom #TomChristian #ZakSutcliffe
#filmbook #movietrailer #alexanderdreymon #alexandratoth #arnasfedaravicius #cavanclerkin #ewanhorrocks #harrygilby #ingridgarcia #jamesnorthcote #markrowley #netflix #nickwittman #rodhallet #rossanderson #sevenkingsmustdie #thelastkingdom #tomchristian #zaksutcliffe
RT @Bamburgh_Castle
Great 📷 by @MadCowFudge in today’s @Telegraph of a costume in our #TheLastKingdom exhibition as worn by #alexanderdreymon in #SevenKingsMustDie If you’re a fan of the series or fancy finding out more about Bamburgh’s past as the real #Bebbanburg it’s a #mustsee @TheLastKingdom
#TheLastKingdom #alexanderdreymon #sevenkingsmustdie #bebbanburg #mustsee