AetherEgo · @AetherEgo
137 followers · 1445 posts · Server

Probably one of the most well-founded discussions about the of so far.
In my opinion, a brief look at the dispute between and regarding 3rd party stuff would have been a helpful idea to better understand the history.

History of the

#ogl #wotc #tsr #mayfair #dnd #opengaminglicense #osr #OneDND #orc #dnd5e #Paizo #pathfimder #recommended #d20 #alexandrian

Last updated 2 years ago

Jay Fey · @shenea
18 followers · 115 posts · Server

Real life should be imitated in art. I feel like this is the kind of thing Justin Alexander was envisioning with his node-based-design series. for the data and for an awesome article

#alexandrian #node #ttrpg #gamedev

Last updated 2 years ago