Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
558 followers · 627 posts · Server

Der 16jährige starb heute

Alle auf die Straße heute !

"Der 16-jährige Kostas Fragoulis, der von einem Polizisten in den Kopf geschossen wurde, starb heute. Er hatte acht Tage lang im Hippokrates-Krankenhaus um sein Leben gekämpft, nachdem er operiert worden war, um die Kugel zu entfernen, die ein Polizist abgefeuert hatte. Der Fall hat explosive Zustände in Roma-Gemeinden geschaffen, ihre Lager sind in Aufruhr. Linke Organisationen und antiautoritäre Gruppen riefen für heute Abend um 18 Uhr zu einer Versamlung auf den Propyläen (Tor der Akropolis) in Athen auf. Ähnliche Mobilisierungen werden in Thessaloniki und an anderen Orten erwartet. ..."

#kostasfrangoulis #acab #alexisgrigoropoulos #thessaloniki #athen #greece #police #abolishpolice #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
558 followers · 626 posts · Server


A life for 20 Dollars
live endet this morning, after he was shot in the head by a police on 5 Dezember 2022

His funeral will be held in Thessaloniki on Thursday 16-year-old Kostas Frangoulis which ended on Tuesday morning, after he was shot in the head by a police officer of the DIAS group.

“It was announced the death of 16-year-old Kostas Frangoulis by a policeman’s bullet. When the state apparatus seeks to cover up, cover up, soften the consequences, we will be there, so that Kostas, Shampanis, Alexis, Mangos, Zak, Ebouka and all the victims of state violence are not forgotten . Let’s not get used to death! No peace without justice!“

The funeral will take place in the Holy Church of Pammegisto Taxiarchon in the cemeteries at 10:00.

In its wake news of the death of 16-year-old Roma, demonstrations protest in Athens and Thessaloniki, against police violence and with a request that his family be vindicated 16 year old.....

#kostasfrangoulis #acab #alexisgrigoropoulos #abolishpolice #greece #thessaloniki #antireport #Dias

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
558 followers · 626 posts · Server

Der 16jährige Rom starb heute

Alle auf die Straße heute !

"Der 16-jährige Kostas Fragoulis, der von einem Polizisten in den Kopf geschossen wurde, starb heute. Er hatte acht Tage lang im Hippokrates-Krankenhaus um sein Leben gekämpft, nachdem er operiert worden war, um die Kugel zu entfernen, die ein Polizist abgefeuert hatte. Der Fall hat explosive Zustände in Roma-Gemeinden geschaffen, ihre Lager sind in Aufruhr. Linke Organisationen und antiautoritäre Gruppen riefen für heute Abend um 18 Uhr zu einer Versamlung auf den Propyläen (Tor der Akropolis) in Athen auf. Ähnliche Mobilisierungen werden in Thessaloniki und an anderen Orten erwartet. ..."

#kostasfrangoulis #acab #alexisgrigoropoulos #thessaloniki #athen #greece #police #abolishpolice #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
558 followers · 625 posts · Server

A life for 20 Dollars
live endet this morning, after he was shot in the head by a police on 5 Dezember 2022

His funeral will be held in Thessaloniki on Thursday 16-year-old Kostas Frangoulis which ended on Tuesday morning, after he was shot in the head by a police officer of the DIAS group.

“It was announced the death of 16-year-old Kostas Frangoulis by a policeman’s bullet. When the state apparatus seeks to cover up, cover up, soften the consequences, we will be there, so that Kostas, Shampanis, Alexis, Mangos, Zak, Ebouka and all the victims of state violence are not forgotten . Let’s not get used to death! No peace without justice!“

The funeral will take place in the Holy Church of Pammegisto Taxiarchon in the cemeteries at 10:00.

In its wake news of the death of 16-year-old Roma, demonstrations protest in Athens and Thessaloniki, against police violence and with a request that his family be vindicated 16 year old.....

#kostasfrangoulis #acab #alexisgrigoropoulos #abolishpolice #greece #thessaloniki #antireport #Dias

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
558 followers · 625 posts · Server

A life for 20 Dollars
live endet this morning, after he was shot in the head by a police on 5 Dezember 2022

His funeral will be held in Thessaloniki on Thursday 16-year-old Kostas Frangoulis which ended on Tuesday morning, after he was shot in the head by a police officer of the DIAS group.

“It was announced the death of 16-year-old Kostas Frangoulis by a policeman’s bullet. When the state apparatus seeks to cover up, cover up, soften the consequences, we will be there, so that Kostas, Shampanis, Alexis, Mangos, Zak, Ebouka and all the victims of state violence are not forgotten . Let’s not get used to death! No peace without justice!“

The funeral will take place in the Holy Church of Pammegisto Taxiarchon in the cemeteries at 10:00.

In its wake news of the death of 16-year-old Roma, demonstrations protest in Athens and Thessaloniki, against police violence and with a request that his family be vindicated 16 year old.....

#kostasfrangoulis #acab #alexisgrigoropoulos #abolishpolice #greece #thessaloniki #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago


"Szeroko zakrojone ataki na policjantów w centrum Salonik po marszu dla Alexandrosa Grigoropoulosa, który został zabity przez policjantów w 2008 roku, przerodziły się w zamieszki 6 grudnia. Od 5 grudnia trwają rozległe zamieszki w Atenach i Salonikach, protesty w wielu miastach kraju, po tym jak zastrzelono 16-letniego Roma Kostasa Fragoulisa. W tym samym czasie społeczności romskie na przedmieściach Salonik, Aten i innych miast powstają, walcząc z policjantami na zewnątrz szpitala, w którym leczony jest Kostas, a nawet przed sądem, w którym pojawił się policyjny morderca."

#kostasfragoulis #alexisgrigoropoulos #greece #acab #Riot

Last updated 2 years ago


"Szeroko zakrojone ataki na policjantów w centrum Salonik po marszu dla Alexandrosa Grigoropoulosa, który został zabity przez policjantów w 2008 roku, przerodziły się w zamieszki 6 grudnia. Od 5 grudnia trwają rozległe zamieszki w Atenach i Salonikach, protesty w wielu miastach kraju, po tym jak zastrzelono 16-letniego Roma Kostasa Fragoulisa. W tym samym czasie społeczności romskie na przedmieściach Salonik, Aten i innych miast powstają, walcząc z policjantami na zewnątrz szpitala, w którym leczony jest Kostas, a nawet przed sądem, w którym pojawił się policyjny morderca."

#kostasfragoulis #alexisgrigoropoulos #greece #acab #Riot

Last updated 2 years ago

Kompilacja ostatnich zamieszek i ataków na policję w Atenach i Salonikach.

#alexisgrigoropoulos #kostasfragoulis #acab #Riot #greece

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
524 followers · 530 posts · Server

: ’14 years later

the only thing that has changed is the bullet in the chamber’ –
Thanos Chatziangelou

"....Uniformed terrorism marks each and every one of us on the head. And those it does not kill, it buries alive in the concrete of captivity. Anyone who still believes deeply in the necessity of revolutionary action is faced with the duties and obligations of rebellion. In July 2021, Anarchist Action publicly put a price on 21 uniformed thugs in the city of Thessaloniki – 17 of them are still unpunished. The blood of Kostas Fragoulis, Nikos Sampanis, our blood is not washed away with tears but with fire. In this world only the cowards die many times before their death.

May these nights smell of gasoline for Michalis, Alexis, Lambros, for ourselves.

All in the streets of rage-revenge!"

Thanos Chatziangelou, captive member of the Anarchist Action Organization
4th ward, Korydallos Prison

#greece #thessaloniki #alexisgrigoropoulos #kostasfrangoulis #acab #riot #police #abolishpolice

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
523 followers · 530 posts · Server

: ’14 years later

the only thing that has changed is the bullet in the chamber’ –
Thanos Chatziangelou

"....Uniformed terrorism marks each and every one of us on the head. And those it does not kill, it buries alive in the concrete of captivity. Anyone who still believes deeply in the necessity of revolutionary action is faced with the duties and obligations of rebellion. In July 2021, Anarchist Action publicly put a price on 21 uniformed thugs in the city of Thessaloniki – 17 of them are still unpunished. The blood of Kostas Fragoulis, Nikos Sampanis, our blood is not washed away with tears but with fire. In this world only the cowards die many times before their death.

May these nights smell of gasoline for Michalis, Alexis, Lambros, for ourselves.

All in the streets of rage-revenge!"

Thanos Chatziangelou, captive member of the Anarchist Action Organization
4th ward, Korydallos Prison

#greece #thessaloniki #alexisgrigoropoulos #kostasfrangoulis #acab #riot #police #abolishpolice

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
523 followers · 530 posts · Server

: ’14 years later the only thing that has changed is the bullet in the chamber’ –
Thanos Chatziangelou

"....Uniformed terrorism marks each and every one of us on the head. And those it does not kill, it buries alive in the concrete of captivity. Anyone who still believes deeply in the necessity of revolutionary action is faced with the duties and obligations of rebellion. In July 2021, Anarchist Action publicly put a price on 21 uniformed thugs in the city of Thessaloniki – 17 of them are still unpunished. The blood of Kostas Fragoulis, Nikos Sampanis, our blood is not washed away with tears but with fire. In this world only the cowards die many times before their death.

May these nights smell of gasoline for Michalis, Alexis, Lambros, for ourselves.

All in the streets of rage-revenge!"

Thanos Chatziangelou, captive member of the Anarchist Action Organization
4th ward, Korydallos Prison

#greece #thessaloniki #alexisgrigoropoulos #kostasfrangoulis #acab #riot #police #abolishpolice

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
523 followers · 530 posts · Server

: ’14 years later the only thing that has changed is the bullet in the chamber’ –
Thanos Chatziangelou

"....Uniformed terrorism marks each and every one of us on the head. And those it does not kill, it buries alive in the concrete of captivity. Anyone who still believes deeply in the necessity of revolutionary action is faced with the duties and obligations of rebellion. In July 2021, Anarchist Action publicly put a price on 21 uniformed thugs in the city of Thessaloniki – 17 of them are still unpunished. The blood of Kostas Fragoulis, Nikos Sampanis, our blood is not washed away with tears but with fire. In this world only the cowards die many times before their death.

May these nights smell of gasoline for Michalis, Alexis, Lambros, for ourselves.

All in the streets of rage-revenge!"

Thanos Chatziangelou, captive member of the Anarchist Action Organization
4th ward, Korydallos Prison

#greece #thessaloniki #alexisgrigoropoulos #kostasfrangoulis #acab #riot #police #abolishpolice

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
523 followers · 530 posts · Server

: ’14 years later the only thing that has changed is the bullet in the chamber’ – Thanos Chatziangelou

Simmachiki Street

"Uniformed bastards of the DI.AS. chase a vehicle that does not stop at their signal. They shoot the driver who has left a gas station without paying the price. A bullet is lodged in the head and the driver loses control of the vehicle. The result? Kostas Fragoulis a 16 year old kid in intensive care from a cop’s bullet to the head...."

#greece #thessaloniki #alexisgrigoropoulos #kostasfrangoulis #acab #riot #police #abolishpolice

Last updated 2 years ago

Państwo greckie wciąż zabija dzieci. Czy to dzieci romskie, czy uchodźców, czy po prostu te, które sprzeciwiają się militaryzacji przestrzeni publicznych i uniwersytetów.

Niżej link do komunikatu z tego roku, gdzie można poczytać o brutalności policji w Grecji.

#alexisgrigoropoulos #Grigoropoulos #insurrection2008 #greece #acab

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
511 followers · 501 posts · Server

Heftige Proteste in Griechenland

"Nach dem Kopfschuss auf einen Jugendlichen protestieren Tausende in Thessaloniki. Es war auch der Jahrestag der Erschießung eines 15-Jährigen in Athen.
Die Proteste nach dem Kopfschuss auf einen 16-jährigen Roma am Montagabend in Thessaloniki im Norden Griechenlands kommen für die konservative Regierung von Premierminister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, die seit dem 8. Juli 2019 in Griechenland im Amt ist, zur ultimativen Unzeit. Mitsotakis verspricht, eine Politik von „Recht und Ordnung“ auf den griechischen Straßen und Plätzen konsequent durchsetzen zu wollen....."

#repression #greece #polizeigewalt #acab #police #kostasfrangoulis #antireport #alexisgrigoropoulos #exarcheia #thessaloniki #mitsotakis #Autoritarisierung

Last updated 2 years ago

Am 14jährigen Gedenktag der Ermordung von , schießt die Polizei gezielt auf einen flüchtenden Jugendlichen und verletzt ihn lebensgefährlich.

Fuck the police!

#alexisgrigoropoulos #acab

Last updated 2 years ago

Proletarian Rage · @prolrage
898 followers · 27028 posts · Server

Anarchists turned center into a warzone. Anarchists want revenge against the criminal greek State and its hired killers. For , for , for every police violence victim.

#december6th #ACAB #kostasfragoulis #alexisgrigoropoulos #thessaloniki

Last updated 2 years ago


: Am Montag haben Bullen in einen 16-jährigen Rom niedergeschossen.

Gestern jährte sich der Bullenmord an .

Im ganzen Land sind Menschen auf der Straße gegen die Gewalt des Staates. Diese Bilder erreichten uns aus Thessaloniki ⤵️

#alexisgrigoropoulos #thessaloniki #griechenland

Last updated 2 years ago

Radical Graffiti · @RadicalGraffiti
3595 followers · 596 posts · Server

Memorial graffiti and plaque for Alexis Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old anarchist who was murdered by police in Athens on 6 December 2008, sparking a month-long popular insurrection.
RT @KOstberl
never forget!

#alexisgrigoropoulos #6δεκεμβρη #Γρηγορόπουλος

Last updated 2 years ago

Punex · @Punex161
240 followers · 640 posts · Server

"We were sent pictures of a bannerdrop at HBF. "Merry Christmas, sleep well, you shoot our children! From Wuppertal to Greece Fuck the Police!" They solidarize with the 16 year old boy who is in 1/2

#antireport #alexisgrigoropoulos #Wuppertaler

Last updated 2 years ago