Good on Alex Scott and her fellow pundits for refusing to do the BBC's Football Focus today. She wore the rainbow armband pitchside at a World Cup game in Qatar (when the teams were banned from wearing them because Qatar is all kinds of horrible) - she's a good un.
#Lineker #AlexScott #BBC
Alex Scott says she will not present Football Focus
#garylineker #alexscott #footballfocus #bbc #motd
🚨 Alex Scott has pulled out of Football Focus this lunchtime, as the mutiny over Gary Lineker being forced off air in an impartiality row deepens.
For the latest updates ⤵️ #AlexScott
Original tweet :
Is #AlexScott gay and does she have a partner?
Is #AlexScott gay and does she have a partner?
@HowardGees She has no chance of being picked for England now. #AlexScott ##Hero
#HerNameIs #claudiaNeumann (rainbow T-shirt) and #AlexScott (dark haired woman on the pitch),_born_1984)
#hernameis #claudianeumann #alexscott
#WorldCup day 2
Well, inevitably and unsurprisingly, I am aware that England played a match and beat Iran 6 - something, and Wales also played.
I was disappointed to read that England and others had capitulated to #FIFA and not worn One Love armbands. Special shout to #AlexScott who I believe did wear one for pitch-side hosting duty ❤
Gianni Infantino channelling Shenaia Twain was a real low-light.
#Qatar #boycott #alexscott #fifa #worldcup
#OneLove #AlexScott #LGBTQ+Rights
#HumanRights #WearTheArmBand
(I’ve added text to pic but not sure I’m doing it right! … so …. this is a photo of presenter Alex Scott wearing the #OneLoveArmBand holding a mic at the side of the football pitch at yesterdays game #Fifa )
#fifa #onelovearmband #wearthearmband #humanrights #lgbtq #alexscott #onelove
Some interesting things in play already in this #WorldCup - footballers from #Iran defy an oppressive regime by holding close to core values and speaking out about atrocities while #FIFA actively threatens and bullies other players for doing the same
Professional footballers are cowed into taking off an armband that publicises One Love while #AlexScott shames them all with her 'screw you'.
Iranian footballers & Alex Scott 2
#worldcup #iran #fifa #alexscott
Das Fußballtunier der Männer im Nahen Osten ist egal. Doch die Proteste für #Menschenrechte und gegen den Fußball-Weltverband erzählen an den ersten 2 Tuniertagen schon eine eigene Geschichte.
Hier #onelove von #AlexScott - Sie arbeitet für die BBC und trägt die vom Veranstalter untersagte Armbinde, die die DFB11 anstelle der Regenbogenbinde tragen wollte #OneLoveBinde - Vor ihrer TV-Karriere war sie von 2004-2017 Abwehrspielerin in der englischen Nationalmannschaft.
#onelovebinde #alexscott #onelove #menschenrechte
BBC’s #AlexScott wears rainbow armband for England World Cup match in gesture of #solidarity with #LGBTQ+ people in #Qatar.
#alexscott #solidarity #lgbtq #qatar
So at least I can type something now...Server was slow last few days. So please see hereby the only person in #Qatar with balls #AlexScott
Well done Alex for representing all those who are being discriminated against. #AlexScott #OneLove
Amazing bravery from #AlexScott! Anyone from the #LGBT+ Communities going to #Qatar is potentially putting themselves in danger of attack or arrest, but making a public statement to the world’s media is huge.
#OneLove when I was at school I was bullied for being gay. When I was at uni I was gay bashed. When I got my job as a saxophone specialist I learnt that my boss wouldn’t have employed me had he known I was a bummer in the interview. I still can’t hold my husbands hand walking down a normal high street; and that’s in the UK. If I were in Qatar I’d live in even more constant fear. They can’t even wear a fucking arm band. Shame! #AlexScott is a hero