"As a historian of nuclear weapons, I have been asked innumerable times since [Oppenheimer] came out whether it was accurate." Find out in the subsequent 2500 words from Dr. #AlexWellerstein (#StevensInstituteOfTechnology).
#history #physics #science #technology #war #nationalSecurity #movies #film
#alexwellerstein #stevensinstituteoftechnology #history #physics #science #technology #war #nationalsecurity #movies #film
Alex Wellerstein om Nolans Oppenheimer
Alex Wellerstein skriver bra om Nolans Oppenheimerfilm.
#vetenskapshistoria #AlexWellerstein #BrianNolan #J.RobertOppenheimer #KaiBird #MartinJ.Sherwin
#martinj #kaibird #j #briannolan #alexwellerstein #vetenskapshistoria
Mapping – Possible Nuclear Weapons Deployment Effects
https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/ <-- NukeMap
https://nuclearsecrecy.com/missilemap/ <-- MissileMap
https://alexwellerstein.com/ <-- author/creator’s biography
[note that I have NOT dug into the veracity of these spatial analyses, and these are considered emergency planning & response tools , as well as for informing the general public]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #global #destruction #military #nuclearweapons #atomicbomb #ICBM #model #modeling #nuke #NukeMap #MissileMap #gischat #UI #interface #war #attack #nuclearstrike #geointelligence #roguestates #terrorism #publicinformation
#gis #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #global #destruction #military #nuclearweapons #atomicbomb #icbm #model #modeling #nuke #nukemap #missilemap #gischat #ui #interface #war #attack #nuclearstrike #geointelligence #roguestates #terrorism #alexwellerstein #publicinformation
J. Robert Oppenheimer, säkerhet och politik från 1930-tal till 1950-tal
Jag håller på att läsa Birds och Sherwins Oppenheimerbiografi, och 250 sidor in i boken är det ett slags påbörjad inläsning inför sommarens fil
#vetenskapshistoria #AlexWellerstein #detkallakriget #J.RobertOppenheimer #KaiBird #Manhattanprojektet #MartinJ.Sherwin #RestrictedData #vetenskapshistoria
#restricteddata #martinj #manhattanprojektet #kaibird #j #detkallakriget #alexwellerstein #vetenskapshistoria