I first saw Mr. Winter's work from his **excellent**, important Field of Vision documentaries - "Trump's Lobby" and "Relatively Free". Check them out!
*Really* looking forward to enjoying "The Youtube Effect" in 2 DAYS! August 8! :masto_love:
#TheYouTubeEffect #Documentary #AlexWinter #Streaming #Movies
#theyoutubeeffect #documentary #alexwinter #streaming #movies
#TheLostBoys was released in movie theaters 36 years ago today.
Grandpa: "One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach....all the damn vampires"
#thelostboys #jasonpatric #kiefersutherland #diannewiest #jamigertz #coreyfeldman #coreyhaim #alexwinter #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
RIP to Teresa Nervosa! Sad news and reminder of some very disturbing and distorting live shows I saw in the 80s. Alex Winter’s short film captured it perfectly #buttholesurfers #alexwinter
On February 17, 1989, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure debuted in the United States. Here’s some Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves art to celebrate!
#BillAndTedsExcellentAdventure #80sMovies #ComedyMovies #SciFiMovies #ScrewballComedy #StonerComedy #BuddyComedy #Art #BillAndTed #BillSPrestonEsq #AlexWinter #KeanuReeves #MovieHIstory
#billandtedsexcellentadventure #80smovies #comedymovies #scifimovies #screwballcomedy #stonercomedy #buddycomedy #art #billandted #billsprestonesq #alexwinter #keanureeves #moviehistory
34 years ago:
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (US)
Bill and Ted are high school buddies starting a band. They are also about to fail their history class—which means Ted would be sent to military school—but receive help from Rufus, a traveller from a future where their band is the foundation for a perfect society. With the use of Rufus' time machine,...
#BillTedsExcellentAdventure #StephenHerek #KeanuReeves #AlexWinter #GeorgeCarlin #SciFi #Film
#billtedsexcellentadventure #stephenherek #keanureeves #alexwinter #georgecarlin #scifi #film
Random #Mastodon accounts I have come across. I don't know if they're official or not. #TwitterMigration
@msnbc #MSNBC
@georgetakei #GeorgeTakei #StarTrek
@kathygriffin #KathyGriffin
@j2dw #j2DW
@BrentButt #BrentButt #CornerGas
@oatmeal #TheOatmeal
@peigreencaucus #PEIGreens #CanadianGreens
@alexwinter #AlexWinter #BillandTed
@squawkfox #KerryTaylor
@thetyee #TheTyee
@ScottishGreens #ScottishGreens
@deAdder #deadder
#mastodon #twittermigration #msnbc #georgetakei #startrek #kathygriffin #j2dw #brentbutt #cornergas #theoatmeal #peigreens #canadiangreens #alexwinter #billandted #kerrytaylor #thetyee #ScottishGreens #deAdder
Random #Mastodon accounts I have come across. I don't know if they're official or not. #TwitterMigration
@msnbc #MSNBC
@georgetakei #GeorgeTakei #StarTrek
@kathygriffin #KathyGriffin
@j2dw #j2DW
@BrentButt #BrentButt #CornerGas
@oatmeal #TheOatmeal
@peigreencaucus #PEIGreens #CanadianGreens
@alexwinter #AlexWinter #BillandTed
@squawkfox #KerryTaylor
@thetyee #TheTyee
@ScottishGreens #ScottishGreens
@deAdder #deadder
#mastodon #twittermigration #msnbc #georgetakei #startrek #kathygriffin #j2dw #brentbutt #cornergas #theoatmeal #peigreens #canadiangreens #alexwinter #billandted #kerrytaylor #thetyee #ScottishGreens #deAdder
A new blog post on my #BillandTed -spiral in #TunisianCrochet . Art prints are available from #Printler and there is still that most excellent #BlackFriday discount of up to 40 % https://printler.com/de/poster/111793/
Art prints are available from #Printler and there is still that most excellent #BlackFriday discount of up to 40 % https://printler.com/de/poster/111793/
#KeanuReeves #AlexWinter
#alexwinter #keanureeves #blackfriday #Printler #TunisianCrochet #billandted
A new blog post on my #BillandTed -spiral in #TunisianCrochet .
Art prints are available from #Printler and there is still that most excellent #BlackFriday discount of up to 40 % https://printler.com/de/poster/111793/
#billandted #TunisianCrochet #Printler #blackfriday #keanureeves #alexwinter
🗣️ : Bill and Ted Face The Music trivia, by u/Unholy_Confectioner
🔗 : https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/ynrjk1/in_bill_and_ted_face_the_music_2020_the_duo_must/ #Reddit #MovieDetails
"In Bill and Ted Face the Music (2020) the duo must save the world by 7:17pm which is 19 hours and 17 minutes into the day. Converted into seconds, it's 69,420. Party on, Dudes!" #BillAndTed #Movies #KeanuReeves #AlexWinter
#alexwinter #keanureeves #movies #billandted #moviedetails #reddit
Bill & Ted Face the Music(2020)
⭐ Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, Kristen Schaal, Samara Weaving, Brigette Lundy-Paine, William Sadler
🎬 Dean Parisot
🌍 City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain 🇪🇸
#BillTedFacetheMusic #DeanParisot #KeanuReeves #AlexWinter #KristenSchaal #SamaraWeaving #BrigetteLundyPaine #WilliamSadler #CityofArtsandSciences #Valencia #Spain
#billtedfacethemusic #deanparisot #keanureeves #alexwinter #kristenschaal #samaraweaving #brigettelundypaine #williamsadler #cityofartsandsciences #valencia #spain
Introduction hashtags #neurodiversity #nothingaboutuswithoutus #autisticJoy #progressive #greennewdeal #naturetherapy #robertmacfarlane #ingmarbergman #spinaltap #alexwinter #birding #coldwaterswimming #openwaterswimming #archaeology #fossils #indigenousrights #blacklivesmatter #landback
#neurodiversity #nothingaboutuswithoutus #autisticJoy #progressive #greennewdeal #naturetherapy #robertmacfarlane #ingmarbergman #spinaltap #alexwinter #birding #ColdWaterSwimming #openwaterswimming #archaeology #fossils #indigenousrights #blacklivesmatter #Landback