In case you're looking for something to do in a bit over an hour, I'm giving a Zoom talk for the University of Nottingham's #MachineLearning seminar at 3pm BST on discrete neural nets and polymorphic learning. You can find a link to the abstract at and you can find the preprint I'm discussing at In case you'd like to watch later, you'll be able to find a recording on the seminar page.
#combinatorics #algebra #categorytheory #ai #machinelearning
@stpaultim I follow the usual data science tags:
#python, #rstats, #statistics, etc
Plus some tags specific to my tech and math interests:
#neovim, #algebra, #linux, etc
Plus just one non-tech tag:
#python #rstats #statistics #neovim #algebra #linux #india
A quick description of how the hypergeometry software package deals with degenerate bodies when projecting them in rendering #4D spaces on a traditional 2D image: breaking them down and inflating them with #random #vector s. #CGI #graphics #algebra
#4d #random #vector #cgi #graphics #algebra
Problem solving Calendars are BACK!
Just posted the September Calendar of Problems!
Enjoy & let us know any working out you want to share, esp by students.
#MTBoS #iTeachMath #MathEd #ClassroomMath #ProblemSolving #Algebra #Geometry #MathsEd
#mathchat #mathsed #geometry #algebra #problemsolving #classroommath #mathed #iteachmath #mtbos
2> What would the distinction between "compiles" and "executes" be here? Maybe the latter is not a thing.
Maybe this would be the #R of topology. Or that might even already exist because of connections between this and that only known by big stupid #science geniuses.
#algebra? #openscad only deals with intersecting planer polygons (words!) So for example some #math dweeb-sack can probably how many distinct "insides" there are.
Anyway, Manhattan Project of thing. If you don't mind. Chop chop.
#r #science #algebra #openscad #math
This week I posted a paper which I basically wrote during my first couple years of graduate school to the arXiv. You can find the preprint "A partition formula from idempotents" at
I feel a bit conflicted about this paper. Even after posting it I'm not sure how interesting it is. I showed the formula obtained therein to several people, including my advisor, while I was in grad school and people seemed generally unsure what to make of it.
Partition numbers are not something I ever studied much. My impression is that there is neither a known elementary formula nor a proof that one cannot exist. I'm not even sure if there is a rigorous, accepted definition of what would constitute a closed-form elementary formula in this context, since lots of fun can be had in summing over neat sets as in this paper.
#combinatorics #RepresentationTheory #AbstractAlgebra #algebra #NumberTheory
#numbertheory #algebra #abstractalgebra #RepresentationTheory #combinatorics
If any of my #ClassroomMath #MTBoS friends here are using TI technology...
Join me and @MathTechCoach for a free webinar tonight (7pm CDT) "Kick Start Your Geometry Class with TI Technology"
See how to use your TI84 & TInspire for #Geometry class & beyond! #Algebra #Precalculus
#TICalculators #iTeachMath #Sponsored
Register at:
#sponsored #iteachmath #ticalculators #precalculus #algebra #geometry #mtbos #classroommath
If any of my #ClassroomMath #MTBoS friends here are using TI technology...
Join me and @MathTechCoach for a free webinar tonight (7pm CDT) "Kick Start Your Geometry Class with TI Technology"
See how to use your TI84 & TInspire for #Geometry class & beyond! #Algebra #Precalculus
#TICalculators #iTeachMath #Sponsored
Register at:
#sponsored #iteachmath #ticalculators #precalculus #algebra #geometry #mtbos #classroommath
The video I have been working on this whole summer is finally live. Hope people enjoy it. I learned a lot of new tools for making videos in the making of this one, which will hopefully help me in the future 🙂
#math #algebra #topology
My newest blog post is an entry for #SoME3
Use an Area Model to help your students w/challenging math topics.
cc: @3blue1brown
#MTBoS #iTeachMath #ClassroomMath #MathEd #Algebra
#algebra #mathed #classroommath #iteachmath #mtbos #some3
New blog post! "Area Arrangements"
How can area help w/multiplying polynomials, long division, radicals, completing the square?
#ClassroomMath #MathEd
#MTBoS #iTeachMath #algebra
#algebra #iteachmath #mtbos #mathed #classroommath
@samjshah I really love the "price per ticket" graph. It can show a non-linear function to #algebra 1 students!
Very nice post!
#ClassroomMath #MTBoS
#mtbos #classroommath #algebra
UA: Всім привіт! Чи може мені хтось порекомендувати крутий ЮТуб-канал по математиці як 3blue1brown? Дякую наперед ☺️
EN: Hi all! Would someone recommend me a really cool #YouTube channel about #maths like 3blue1brown? Thanks in advance ☺️
#mathematics #algebra #geometry #calculus #математика #алгебра #геометрія
#youtube #maths #mathematics #algebra #geometry #calculus #математика #алгебра #геометрія
@bengrantmath actually, you can do this in any field or domain (or even ring, but that gets trickier). We study it all the time in algebraic proof complexity, which uses alegbraic approaches like these to try to understand the complexity of individual instances of (usually) NP-complete problems. Fun stuff!
#complexity #ComputationalComplexity #algebra
From "Abstract Algebra, 3rd Edition" by Dummit and Foote (2003)
@polymathematic @benleis @phonner
Tim, here are a couple of "Big Ideas" documents I used to share w/pre-service Ts. Old but still relevant.
#ClassroomMath #MTBoS #Algebra
#algebra #mtbos #classroommath
X marks the unknown in algebra – but X's origins are a math mystery
#x #history #math #algebra #ancienthistory #geschichte #mathe
#x #history #math #algebra #ancienthistory #geschichte #mathe
An affine variety can be embedded into proj space in many ways. Do they all give the same Betti tables? Or are the Betti tables somehow related? So much I've found starts w projective varieties / graded rings. Are there good keywords to search for to understand 👆?