Adrienne Hestenes · @adhestenes
124 followers · 93 posts · Server

Introducing systems today. Had the students make 2 lists; one where pairs of numbers summed to 6, and the other with pairs of numbers whose difference is 11. Then asked them to find a pair of numbers that are on both lists.

Absolute crickets.

I had to ask leading questions, give hints, ask them if they had tried such and such. I really had to drag them along before they realized they could do something other than stare at their paper.

So the next period I had them start standing at the whiteboards before I gave them this task. And I did not have to seed them at all. Some were graphing the pairs and realized they made lines. Others were finding the equations of the lines and realizing they needed to find the intersection point. All in all, in 15 minutes I watched the whole class figure out systems of equations. I taught them nothing.

I really feel like when the students are sitting in their desks, they are waiting for me to give out answers and pour knowledge into their brain. But when they are standing at the whiteboards, they take control of their learning. They are willing to try different things, take risks. And they don't wait for me to tell them what to do.

for the win.

#classroommath #iteachmath #mtbos #algebra2 #ThinkingClassroom

Last updated 1 year ago

Adrienne Hestenes · @adhestenes
119 followers · 89 posts · Server

It's been a long week. We lost a student from our school over the labor day weekend and the atmosphere has been low. Time for a light hearted activity to end the week.

Inspired by Fawn Nguyen's "Vroom Vroom" post on her blog.

Students measured the pullback distance of a car and then measured the distance it rolled. Graphed the data. Found the line of best fit by eye, then found the linear regression. Made some predictions, calculated some residuals. Summed up all the stuff we've been learning the past week.

I then picked a random distance and groups calculated their pullback distance. Everyone lined up their cars that distance from the finish line, pulled back their calculated distance, and let 'em rip. The group whose car got the closest to the "finish line" (marked by tape on the floor) got bragging rights.

#algebra2 #iteachmath #mtbos #classroommath #ThinkingClassroom

Last updated 1 year ago

Adrienne Hestenes · @adhestenes
111 followers · 78 posts · Server

Needed an extra lesson on lines in since one class met an extra period this week for some unknown reason. Bouncing ping pong balls to the rescue! Students dropped ping pong balls from different heights and measured the rebound height, plotted the data and found a linear model. We haven't learned about regressions yet (soon though!) so they used a ruler to eyeball the best line.

Challenge time. I took all the balls away and told them to use their model to calculate the proper drop height for the ball to rebound to 78 cm. I rigged up a small hoop I had lying around at just that height so everyone in the class could tell whether the rebound was to the right height. Hilarity ensued when several groups realized their drop height predictions were below the rebound height. Turns out they plugged in for x when they should have plugged in for y. A good learning moment.

It was a pretty basic, last minute lesson, but I think it went ok. It was nice having everyone's data, graph, and model on the whiteboards around the room for all to see. I have whiteboards on all 4 walls (no windows though!).

#mtbos #classroommath #ThinkingClassroom #algebra2

Last updated 1 year ago

Adrienne Hestenes · @adhestenes
106 followers · 69 posts · Server

Day two in went well. Did the checkerboard problem (Counting the number of squares in an 8x8 checkerboard, look for patterns, extend to an nxn board). Yesterday we experienced how using tables to organize our thinking could be useful and illuminate unforseen patterns, so I was happy to see many groups using tables today. I was especially giddy when two groups saw they had different numbers in their tables, but they added up to the same total, and then proceeded to spend some time trying to understand eachother's approach. All in all, a good day.

#classroommath #mtbos #ThinkingClassroom #algebra2

Last updated 1 year ago

Cyclops · @cyclops
153 followers · 1003 posts · Server

Finished my syllabi today for my 3 classes. I'm teaching , Precalculus, and AP . I'm hoping I am not out of my depth. Though I believe it will be easier than the Algebra 1 classes I had last year, as those were all Freshmen and this year should be mostly Seniors. At least I feel a little bit better having gotten an idea of my classroom procedures and how they are changing from last year.

#algebra2 #calculus #teaching #teacher #education #backtoschool

Last updated 1 year ago

Cyclops · @cyclops
142 followers · 896 posts · Server

So, I need some input from other in who are on a . This is the first time that my school will be doing it, this is only my 2nd year teaching and last year we had normal 50-minute classes. I am going to be teaching , , and . My question is -- what break duration do you suggest? I'm thinking 5 minutes and give them the chance to walk around the room and such, get up, stretch, at about 40 after class starts, pick up again from 45 after and continue until the 90 minutes is up. I would love to get input?

#teachers #education #teaching #blockschedule #algebra2 #precalculus #apcalculus

Last updated 1 year ago

adhestenes · @adhestenes
17 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello . Been offline the past year. Excited to get back to learning from everyone and sharing my journey as . I have taught it all over the past 20+ years and will be teaching and Multivariable and Vector Calculus this up and coming year. I’ve been trying to build a the past 2 years and am always on the lookout for good, rich, spiraling tasks.

#ThinkingClassroom #algebra2 #iteachmath #mtbos

Last updated 1 year ago

Karen Campe · @KarenCampe
183 followers · 436 posts · Server

ICYMI, week in review part 2:
Valentine's Day is around the corner! Use & technology (any platform) to have fun w/exponential growth & decay:

Please boost!!

#precalculus #algebra2 #T3Learns #iteachmath #mtbos #candymath

Last updated 2 years ago

MathWithAvrila · @MathWithAvrila
11 followers · 27 posts · Server

Any /#Precalc level students out there? I need student helper beta testers. This is a mystery picture graphing project, where the points to be plotted are solutions to , and students are directed to use their choice of two methods.

I will add tutorial videos on the solution methods to the final version — I will be happy to give someone a 1:1 help session, with their consent to record and use it.

#matrix #systemsofequations #algebra2

Last updated 2 years ago