Tillony = Serious crime.
#cantillionEffect #tillony #criminals #cantillonists #moneyPrinterGoDrr #samBankmanFried #celebrity #volodymyrZelensky #weaponsIndustry #larryFink #algorithmicTrading #janetYellon #imprisonList
#cantillionEffect #tillony #criminals #cantillonists #moneyPrinterGoDrr #SamBankmanFried #celebrity #volodymyrzelensky #weaponsIndustry #larryfink #algorithmicTrading #janetyellon #ImprisonList
Algorithmic Trading or AlgoTrading uses a machine learning model to predict stock market prices at set intervals and can execute transactions at precise moments.
It ensures the most efficient execution of a trade, places orders instantaneously and can possibly lower trading transaction fees. Can be executed based on either trading volume or passage of time.
#machinelearning #algorithmicTrading #algotrading
Algorithmic Trading or AlgoTrading uses a machine learning model to predict stock market prices at set intervals and can execute transactions at precise moments.
It ensures the most efficient execution of a trade, places orders instantaneously and can possibly lower trading transaction fees. Can be executed based on either trading volume or passage of time.
#machinelearning #algorithmicTrading #algotrading
Anyone out there doing #algotrading #algorithmictrading #finance #autotrading #automatedtrading #futures #stockexchange #marketmaking #hft or knows any good servers or users? Wondering whether there's a dedicated mastodon instance for the traders out there?
#hft #marketmaking #stockexchange #futures #automatedtrading #AutoTrading #finance #algorithmicTrading #algotrading
We've all been taught that for every buyer their must be a seller, right? Well not exactly.
Enter a #cartel.
If a cartel serves almost every single online #bitcoinExchange, as does #Cloudflare, then at the very least they can #frontRun trades.
Beyond that they can do a range of things at key moments to manipulate prices that would make true #priceDiscovery far more difficult — maybe impossible.
#priceManipulation #cloudflareIsTheMalware #microTransactions #algorithmicTrading
#cartel #bitcoinexchange #cloudflare #frontRun #priceDiscovery #pricemanipulation #cloudflareIsTheMalware #microtransactions #algorithmicTrading
We agree. That there's an #algorithmicTrading aspect to everything including #cryptocurrencies, that is designed to screw over the 99%.
We think you'll find that #Cloudflare, #Amazon and #Google, (oh heck let's just say #CAGFAM) are the goliaths worth casting your eye towards for this specific #network-level #malware.
#algorithmicTrading #cryptocurrencies #cloudflare #amazon #google #CAGFAM #network #malware #cloudflareIsTheVirus
Forex trading and #algorithmicTrading wastes entire countries in minutes
#algorithmicTrading #bitcoinfixesthis #forexTrading #waste #imf
@icedquinn @vidak
We say this because MaxKeiser literally worked on #WallStreet and it made him turn against it. He also has no kind words for #algorithmicTrading.
So now in his NicolaTesla years he appreciates the pitfalls of electronic hallucinagens and uses the algorithm against itself, spamming it with news stories of his own supposed failure. And the AI divests from itself.
#wallstreet #algorithmicTrading
Anyone *not* suspicious of how #reddit (yet another #closedSilo) is being elevated as a place for teens to form a "#community" to play #stockMarket games?
Get 'em hooked young.
#gambling #addition #communityWashing #dotCons #algorithmicTrading #fleecing #fleeced #speculation #videogameCulture #braveNewWorld #elevation #shortSqueeze #robinHoodwinked
#reddit #closedSilo #community #stockmarket #gambling #addition #communitywashing #dotcons #algorithmicTrading #fleecing #fleeced #speculation #videogameCulture #bravenewworld #elevation #ShortSqueeze #robinHoodwinked