EU Commission mulls rules on algorithmic management in workplace for next mandate #AIAct #algorithmicmanagement #artificialintelligence #NicolasSchmit
#AIAct #algorithmicmanagement #ArtificialIntelligence #nicolasschmit
Commission strives to revert to initial text in platform workers negotiations #algorithmicmanagement #legalpresumptionofemployment #NicolasSchmit
#algorithmicmanagement #legalpresumptionofemployment #nicolasschmit
EU Council tries – again – to close in on platform work rules #algorithmicmanagement #Derogation #EUCouncil #Gigeconomy
#algorithmicmanagement #derogation #EUCouncil #gigeconomy
EU Council tries – again – to close in on platform work rules #algorithmicmanagement #Derogation #EUCouncil #Gigeconomy
#algorithmicmanagement #derogation #eucouncil #gigeconomy
EU Council tries – again – to close in on platform work rules #algorithmicmanagement #Derogation #EUCouncil #Gigeconomy
#algorithmicmanagement #derogation #EUCouncil #gigeconomy
@TheOneSwit @BlumeEvolution
Alle mir bekannten Studien zum Thema #AlgorithmicManagement zeigen, dass es nicht so ist.
Viele Algorithmen (z. B. bei Fahrradlieferdiensten) dienen gar nicht der Optimierung von Wegstecken, sondern nur dazu, die Beschäftigten durch #Nudging, #Gamification und #Informationsasymmetrie zu mehr Leistung zu bringen.
Selbst dort, wo es um Prozessoptimierung geht, gibt es oft nicht den #OneBestWay. Den Beschäftigten werden aber gar keine Varianten gezeigt.
Rational kann nur eine Entscheidung sein, die als solche nachvollziehbar ist. Alles andere ist Magie.
#onebestway #informationsasymmetrie #gamification #nudging #algorithmicmanagement
🙋🥳Oyez braves gens, j'ai une super-nouvelle! L'appel à communications du 6e colloque de notre International Network on Digital Labor (INDL-6) est disponible ici👉 Cette année, rendez-vous à Berlin, du 9 au 11 oct. 2023. Deadline pour envoyer vos abstracts: 3 avr. 2023. #futureofwork #platformeconomy #digitallabour #algorithmicmanagement #artificialintelliegence #automation
#futureofwork #platformeconomy #digitallabour #algorithmicmanagement #artificialintelliegence #automation
Das Schöne an dem Artikel ist, dass er zeigt, dass eine Zertifizierung von #KI-Anwendungen nicht ausreicht, sondern dass ein betriebliches #Risikomanagement nötig ist.
Das trifft insbesondere auf #AlgorithmicManagement und KI im #Personalmanagement zu und entspricht den Forderungen des #etui
Wobei die zusätzliche Forderung ist, dass die Beschäftigten bei der betrieblichen Regulierung von KI #mitbestimmen
#mitbestimmen #etui #personalmanagement #algorithmicmanagement #Risikomanagement #ki
A list of resources examining the key role that #dataprotection legislation plays in taming some of the most intrusive #algorithmicmanagement & #AI systems and practices in the workplace: via,,,
#ai #algorithmicmanagement #dataprotection
Join us in Paris & online at for a cross-disciplinary discussion on how to combine fundamental rights enforcement and innovation-friendly regulation in the field of #algorithmicmanagement at the workplace. Thx to and
Too often, #algorithmicmanagement has been dissected in its constitutive phases and analysed from narrow perspectives, typically using field-specific disciplinary viewpoints. In addition, the prior literature has predominantly provided retrospective or complaint-led answers.
Too often, #algorithmicmanagement has been dissected in its constitutive phases and analysed from narrow perspectives, typically using field-specific disciplinary viewpoints. In addition, the prior literature has predominantly provided retrospective or complaint-led answers.
✍🏽 NEW draft available: “Regulating #AlgorithmicManagement at Work in the European Union: Data Protection, Non-Discrimination and Collective Rights”, part of my project, forthcoming in the IJCLLIR. Now available at
✍🏽 NEW draft available: “Regulating #AlgorithmicManagement at Work in the European Union: Data Protection, Non-Discrimination and Collective Rights”, part of my project, forthcoming in the IJCLLIR. Now available at
#AlgorithmicManagement is all about #PsychosocialRisks. #PlatformWork is totally led by algorithmic management.
‼️It is important to think about what can we do to prevent #OSH risks for workers - Marian Schaapman, Head of Office, Working Conditions, @ETUI_org at #EUOSHAsummit
#algorithmicmanagement #PsychosocialRisks #PlatformWork #OSH #EUOSHAsummit
#intro I am an asst prof of EU and comparative #labourlaw at IE University Law School, #Madrid. My research focuses on the impacts of innovation on labour regulation & social institutions. My EU-funded ‘Boss Ex Machina’ project aims to map practices of automated decision-making and assess the adequacy of existing legal frameworks. I co-authored ‘Your Boss is an Algorithm’ (with @valeriodestefano), a compass for navigating the #gigeconomy, #algorithmicmanagement & #digitalsurveillance.
#academia #digitalsurveillance #algorithmicmanagement #gigeconomy #madrid #labourlaw #intro
#intro I am an asst prof of EU and comparative #labourlaw at IE University Law School, #Madrid. My research focuses on the impacts of innovation on labour regulation & social institutions. My EU-funded ‘Boss Ex Machina’ project aims to map practices of automated decision-making and assess the adequacy of existing legal frameworks. I co-authored ‘Your Boss is an Algorithm’ (with @valeriodestefano), a compass for navigating the #gigeconomy, #algorithmicmanagement & #digitalsurveillance.
#academia #digitalsurveillance #algorithmicmanagement #gigeconomy #madrid #labourlaw #intro
Wenn es um #AlgorithmicManagement geht, denken alle zuerst an die Start-uos der #Plattformökonomie. Wer wissen will, was technisch alles möglich ist, sollte sich die klassische #Transportlogistik ansehen: #Speditionen und Kurier-, Express- und #Paketdienste.
Die Studie „Digitale Logistik“ zeigt, wie dort #GPS, #Sensorik, #IoT und Echtzeitauswertung zu #Überwachung, #Kontrolle und #Dequalifizierung genutzt werden:
#algorithmicmanagement #plattformökonomie #Transportlogistik #speditionen #paketdienste #gps #sensorik #iot #Überwachung #kontrolle #Dequalifizierung
Recent debates on the impact of workplace digitalisation have mainly revolved around #algorithmicmanagement: what are the effects on workers’ well-being, the risks and what about digital surveillance?
➡️Find out more on the EU proposals to #regulate
#algorithmicmanagement #regulate