🇫🇷 J'essaie de ne pas désespérer au regard de la catastrophe environnementale globale, de l'essor des inégalités et des discours d'intolérance, des tensions géopolitiques et de la banalisation de la guerre.
Travailleur enthousiaste du web depuis 25 ans, je regarde avec tout autant d'effroi la transformation irréfléchie de nos existences sous le régime des #data et des #algos. C'est là mon champ de bataille, ô combien difficile, car à perte de vue, ce sont des moulins à vent.
Je relaye ici en #français et en #allemand des infos publiées dans l'autre langue autour des dangers du #numérique et de la défense des #libertés publiques dans notre monde toujours plus digitalisé.
Merci à @freiheit und @netzpolitik_feed ainsi qu'à @Framasoft et @LaQuadrature dans un premier temps !
Je suis heureux d'être ici ! Merci pour les #boost les #follow ❤️
#follow #boost #libertes #numerique #allemand #francais #algos #data #french #vorstellung #neuhier
Asked SD for "The Battle of Lexington" and got what looks like chinese advancing into Ohio! #Algos
So #Threads is leveraging mastodon, but it is currently not #federated, but it does have the #Instagram/#meta #algos. Can I assume most instances here are going to block it once it goes live?
#threads #federated #instagram #algos
A thing I hate about youtube: it keeps showing me again and again clips from Daily-show/this-week-tonight etc, because these outlets pay them enormous money.
But I already saw these clips.
So I marked them "like" to remember the track to skip it.
So they remove my "likes" and keep showing me the same clips over and over again.
The usability of youtube is deminished.
#algos #reignofmashines #ai #creepieness #annoying #youtube
ALGOS - [躁と鬱] (live от 2022.12.28)
#JR_Live #jrock #visualkei #ALGOS
#algos #VisualKei #jrock #JR_Live
Ok - hate on me.. I'm still in #Twitter because I have some legit pals over there...
I went through and curated my feed after years of accumulated #f4f fodder. And - it's not nearly as toxic! Shocker I know...
And I learned this form my foray into #Mastodon - You just need the RIGHT interactions..
..of course the bird is still trying to drag me into #algos, but they aren't as bad since me feed is cleaner.
So if you can't quit your pals completely you can improve your bird UX with curation
#algos #mastodon #f4f #twitter
Les #algos de Twitter, Google, YouTube ou Facebook t'enferment-ils dans une bulle informationnelle ? Tes personnalisations sont-elles biaisés ?
Découvres-le en installant notre extension @CNRS
- sur Chrome/Brave: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/horus/lgmfmkgkpjlnhpijgkfodojbomghfjef
-Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/horus-iscpif/
NIST has chosen the algorithms for a new standard for post-quantum cryptography. Respect the #algos. https://www.lawfareblog.com/hack-post-quantum-cryptography-now-so-bad-actors-dont-do-it-later
#Franken_Algorithms | The #DEADLY #Consequences of #Unpredictable #Code |
#What is an #Algorithm?
Like #Smart #Phones #ALGOS are #DUMB! The Death of a Woman Hit by a Self-Driving Car Highlights an Unfolding Technological Crisis, as Code Piled On Code Creates "A UNIVERSE NO ONE FULLY UNDERSTANDS" | 2018
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used
#dumb #algos #phones #smart #algorithm #what #code #Unpredictable #consequences #deadly #Franken_Algorithms #big_tech #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#Franken_Algorithms | The #Deadly_Consequences of Unpredictable #Code
What is an #Algorithm?
Like #Smart #Phones #ALGOS are #DUMB!
The Death of a Woman Hit by a Self-Driving Car Highlights an Unfolding Technological Crisis, as Code Piled On Code Creates
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a ...
#dumb #algos #phones #smart #algorithm #code #Deadly_Consequences #Franken_Algorithms #big_tech #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
We theorised last year that there's a definate air of #1970s-style #PropertyOwningDemocracy in the mania surrounding #scamTokens.
On this occasion though we think the #moneyPrinters will always reward those participating in the #mania via #AI because it keeps #kids off streets and in a digital, electrified world.
For the longest time, they've been trying to decouple #GDPGrowth from #growth in energy/resource use.
Its bad to use #ethScam + #algos + #moneyPump for it.
#1970s #PropertyOwningDemocracy #scamTokens #moneyPrinters #mania #ai #kids #gdpgrowth #growth #ethScam #algos #moneyPump
Top #Google Engineer Abandons Company, Reveals Big Tech Rewrote #Algos To #Target #Trump
A Big Tech whistleblower said Google altered its algorithm in order to ensure that negative stories from the establishment media about former Present Donald Trump were what people saw when using the highest-trafficked website on the internet.
Remember how we got warned by alot of ppl that AI is a danger to us... #algos are AI
Remember how we got warned by alot of ppl that AI is a danger to us... #algos are AI
I find it interesting that the Robinhood app is the number one free app on Apple and Reddit is number four. 👀 🤔 🤨 #algos
My mother and cousin both used their phones to navigate them to the rentals. They were both rerouted around the COVID checkpoint because the traffic #algos detected a jam. I looked at a map beforehand and stayed on the interstate. I wonder when Silicon Valley will begin directing people TO the checkpoints?
Machine learning can guess the speed limit when the sign is partially blocked. But when the sign has been defaced, the #Algos get much more confused.