From the New York Times, July 13, 1980
Al Hirschfeld: A Preliminary Sketch of Tony Azito from Joseph Papp's "The Pirates of Penzance" #GilbertandSullivan #AlHirschfeld
#gilbertandsullivan #alhirschfeld
Al Hirschfeld: A Preliminary Sketch of Tony Azito from Joseph Papp's "The Pirates of Penzance" #AlHirschfeld
#AccaddeOggi nel 2003 muore l’illustratore e caricaturista americano #AlHirschfeld
Cary Grant e Katharine Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby (Susanna!)
#20gennaio #accaddeoggi #alhirschfeld
Drawings of #BurtLancaster in various character by famed cartoonist #AlHirschfeld
#AlHirschfeld's #penandink drawing of Kirk Douglas, George Macready, and Adolph Menjou, in Stanley Kubrick's PATHS OF GLORY. Hirschfeld's always great, but I'm particularly fond of how far he's able to push the maniacal intensity of Douglas' expressions. More here:
Fab poster for The Marx Brothers A Day at The Races (Sam Wood, 1937) by the caricaturist Al Hirschfeld
#AlHirschfeld #MarxBrothers #ADayAtTheRaces #ClassicCinema #cinemastodon #FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #Cinema #Film
#film #cinema #filmposter #filmposteroftheday #cinemastodon #classiccinema #adayattheraces #marxbrothers #alhirschfeld