#PowerShell #aliases Function cannot be created because function capacity 4096 has been exceeded for this scope https://bit.ly/43YcHQ4 via PlanetPowerShell
@christian I do agree, #Outlook on #Mac looks good and has tons of real good functionality!
The only thing I am missing, is the support of #iCloud #Aliases So having one or the other iCloud-Alias ... but you can NOT use 'em in Outlook :-(
Once that’s solved > I am all in
#outlook #mac #icloud #aliases
Learn about scripting techniques to help manage netstat information https://www.admin-magazine.com/News/Using-Aliases-to-Manage-Netstat-Information #netstat #aliases #scripting #statistics #output
#netstat #aliases #scripting #statistics #output
I've been wondering about #identity support on the #Fediverse.
#Mastodon (and probably others) use the rel=me for external verification.
There is also "alsoKnownAs" that is used for account migration.
Now are there specific reasons why AKA or similar #aliases could not be used to implement something similar to #nomadicIdentity?
Two profiles both indicating one another via AKA/alias would be considered the same person and treated as such by their followers.
#nomadicidentity #aliases #mastodon #fediverse #identity
Sometimes we use several names for the same thing, like nicknames or acronyms. In #DEVONthink you can use such #aliases for documents and more, e.g., tags. Here's what you can do with them. #tuesdaytip #paperless #workflow#tagging #productivity #pkm https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230425-aliases?utm_content=buffer0f1db&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin.com&utm_campaign=buffer
#devonthink #aliases #tuesdaytip #paperless #workflow #productivity #pkm
#techtip on how to level up your #gmail #organisation using #aliases, labels, templates and filters.
#aliases #organisation #Gmail #techtip
Referenced link: https://proton.me/support/addresses-and-aliases.
Originally posted by Proton Mail / @ProtonMail@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/ProtonMail/status/1643974926523842566#m
R to @ProtonMail: One way to do keep the #spam out of your inbox is by using email #aliases: https://proton.me/support/addresses-and-aliases.
When it comes to being more private online, email aliases are a game-changer 🔥
What's your favourite thing about them? 🔒
Let us know in the comments! ⬇️
#emailsecurity #aliases #privacymatters
#Video #shows #GeorgeSantos #calling #himself #AnthonyDevolder at a 2019 #event...when's the last time he told the truth? #names #aliases No wonder he became a #politician and the ppl that voted him in...found the sh*thole #country 🤷🏻♀️ #crooked #politics #gop #republicans #corrupt #murica
#video #shows #georgesantos #calling #himself #anthonydevolder #event #names #aliases #politician #country #crooked #politics #gop #republicans #corrupt #murica
SimpleLogin.io permits you to leverage #email #aliases, in an effort to hide your real email addr. You can have many aliases to a single address, allowing you to terminate an address without shutting down a #production address.
#Protonmail bought SimpleLogin, so the privacy of a #Swiss-owned company will apply. You can sign-up/login using yer #Proton account. I am a Proton #Visionary account holder, so it didn't cost me anything to sign-up ... Not sure what level you need to be for $0.00. else, it's $30/yr.
Now I can sign-up for any particular service and use a #SimpleLogin email #alias and not give away a real email address.
#email #aliases #production #protonmail #swiss #proton #visionary #simplelogin #alias
SimpleLogin.io permits you to leverage #email #aliases, in an effort to hide your real email addr. You can have many aliases to a single address, allowing you to terminate an address without shutting down a #production address.
#Protonmail bought SimpleLogin, so the privacy of a #Swiss-owned company will apply. You can sign-up/login using yer #Proton account. I am a Proton #Visionary account holder, so it didn't cost me anything to sign-up ... Not sure what level you need to be for $0.00. else, it's $30/ye.
Now I can sign-up for any particular service and use a #SimpleLogin email #alias and not give away a real email address.
#email #aliases #production #protonmail #swiss #proton #visionary #simplelogin #alias
Some people want better privacy on the #internet without breaking the bank. Here’s my curated list for less than $10 a month!
1. #PasswordManager: https://bitwarden.com - Free, or 83 cents/mo billed annually
2. #Email: https://tutanota.com - Free, or €1/mo
3. #Forwarding & #Aliases: https://relay.firefox.com - Limited free, or $1/mo
4. #VPN: https://windscribe.com - $3/mo
5. #Cloud: https://filen.io - €3.33/mo billed annually
#privacy #budget #Internet #passwordmanager #email #forwarding #aliases #vpn #cloud
Artikel uit 2017, dat nog steeds relevant is, ongeacht de persoon waarover het gaat. https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2017/03/31/ambtenaren_en_vrijheidvanmeningsuitinghoezithet-1-2938652/ Dit is ook een van de redenen waarom aliases voor sommigen belangrijk kunnen zijn om hun mening te kunnen uiten. #vrijemeningsuiting #aliases willen niet zeggen dat iemand een trol is. #netiquette
#netiquette #aliases #vrijemeningsuiting
Een draadje 🧵1997: rond die tijd gingen mensen voor het eerst thuis, op het werk of in een internetcafé #online. Ze volgden de #netiquette. Je eigen naam gebruiken was not done. We gebruikten #aliases om de vrije meningsuiting te beschermen 1/3
Ook mensen met #beroepsgeheim of levende in een #dictatuur konden zo zonder zichzelf of anderen in gevaar te brengen van gedachten wisselen. #trollen bestonden nauwelijks. #SCHREEUWEN was onbeleefd. Doodswensen kreeg je in die tijd nooit. Je kon toen van mening verschillen 2/3
en toch volop constructief in discussie gaan. 2022: de omgekeerde wereld: #alias betekent meestal: #troll. En betekent van mening verschillen dat de andere naar het leven gestaan mag worden. #dtv Ik ga voor de #netiquette van 1997! 3/3
#dtv #troll #alias #SCHREEUWEN #trollen #dictatuur #beroepsgeheim #aliases #netiquette #online
Echoes of Bluemars: The Lost Fleet
alias bluemars='vlc -I ncurses http://streams.echoesofbluemars.org:8000/bluemars.m3u'
alias cryosleep='vlc -I ncurses http://streams.echoesofbluemars.org:8000/cryosleep.m3u'
alias voices='vlc -I ncurses http://streams.echoesofbluemars.org:8000/voicesfromwithin.m3u'
alias rne1='vlc -I ncurses https://crtve--di--crtve-ice--01--cdn.cast.addradio.de/crtve/rne1/main/aac/high'
alias rnerc='vlc -I ncurses https://crtve--di--crtve-ice--01--cdn.cast.addradio.de/crtve/rnerc/main/aac/high'
alias rner3='vlc -I ncurses https://crtve--di--crtve-ice--01--cdn.cast.addradio.de/crtve/rner3/main/aac/high'
alias rne5='vlc -I ncurses https://crtve--di--crtve-ice--01--cdn.cast.addradio.de/crtve/rne5/main/aac/high'