Alice Babette Toklas was born in San Francisco on this day in 1877.
Remember kids, if you're making her famous recipe for fudge to celebrate, she advised moderation.
“It should be eaten with care, two pieces are quite sufficient.”
My guess is 2 pieces of 1954 fudge might be equivalent to half a piece today? Less?
#fudge #brownies #alicebtoklas #otd #sanfrancisco #thc
Waiting For The Moon 1987
#LindaHunt #LindaBassett
#GertrudeStein #AliceBToklas
#lindahunt #lindabassett #gertrudestein #alicebtoklas
Waiting For The Moon 1987
#LindaHunt #LindaBassett
#GertrudeStein #AliceBToklas
Thanks to celluloidrainbow
#lindahunt #lindabassett #gertrudestein #alicebtoklas