Our feelings will always reveal the true story, which no one else knows and which only we can discover. #AliceMiller
【限額免費讀】Netflix劇集《怒嗆人生》:東亞家庭的枷鎖去到大洋彼岸也無法擺脫? https://theinitium.com/article/20230808-culture-beep-netflix-shows-asian/invite_token/nsWZboCBvT #怒嗆人生 中對於雙方#原生家庭 的描繪其實不過短短幾分鐘幾個鏡頭,然而就像陰魂不散的Rebecca一樣,每個人背負的原生家庭傳下來的代際創傷無處不在。這也是我為什麼重拾#AliceMiller 的原因 你如果想終止代際創傷,請讀她。
#AliceMiller 列出幾點一般的預設:其中前兩點很令我感傷。簡單的話,但是我不知道有多少孩子沒有能夠得到過,小時候沒得到,長大了也不曾得到。
1. The child has a primary need from the very beginning of her life to be regarded and respected as the person she really is at any given time.
2.when we speak here "the person she really is at any given time", we mean emotions, sensations, and their expression from the first day onward. 如果真的僅僅是沒有得到也就罷了,#原生家庭 中的父母還不能忍受孩子認為未能得到,還要一遍遍地告訴孩子,你得到了。這,如此重複,也是abuse。
Evangelicals make easy pickings for cults. The childrearing practices of some Evangelicals are horrific. Hitting babies with implements, breaking the will, etc. Exact opposite of compassionate chill parenting. Gary Ezzo is the prophet. His books still sell. It's pre-cult parenting. Little cauldrons of rage and righteous anger who must burn something down that's yet a 'good' act in God's eyes.
#alicemiller #cults #narcissism