"You should have over two trillion ancestors of thousands years ago, clearly several orders of magnitude more than the number of people who were alive on the planet at the time and even today."
Trilión je milión miliónov - v takom počte som príbuzná so všetkými tu prítomnými 😄
Teší ma, sesternice a bratranci!
#aliceroberts #ancestors #books #history
Vedeli ste, že mor s ľuďmi žije od rannej doby bronzovej, čo je 6 tisíc rokov dozadu.
A niekedy pred 3 tisíc rokmi morová baktéria, yersinia pestis, zmutovala a začala nakazenej blche spôsobovať zápchu.
Takže blche sa ucpe črevo, umiera od hladu a snaží sa zúfalo nažrať, ale všetko, vrátane hromady baktérií, vracia.
A, voilà, mor sa šíri o to efektívnejšie.
#theplague #genetics #digestion #ancestors #aliceroberts
Recently they seem to have revived the 1960s #bbc concept of "The thinking man's crumpet"
namely attractive and highly intelligent women presenting programmes - the most obvious examples being #BettanyHughes and #AliceRoberts - not to everyone's taste perhaps but somewhat of an improvement on reality TV!
#bbc #bettanyhughes #aliceroberts
Belatedly starting to watch #AliceRoberts explore #AncientEgypt by train (Saturday nights Channel 4). We’re just watching her first episode from #Alexandria. Liking how she’s giving a good taste of modern Egyptian life as well as the past. Many of the sites she’s visiting are lesser known in the West. Even when she visits ones we’ve seen before elsewhere she’s giving valuable new insights and contextualisation. Basically I’m very impressed! #Egypt #Egyptology #Archaeology #TV #AncientHistory
#ancienthistory #tv #archaeology #egyptology #egypt #alexandria #ancientegypt #aliceroberts
Enjoyed watching Professor #AliceRoberts discovering Ancient Egypt by Train on #SBSOnDemand. Brought back memories from my trips to #Egypt in 1991 and 1995, travelling by train, boat, mini-bus and truck up and down the Nile. 🎒 #travel
Link to series on SBS OnDemand: https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/tv-series/ancient-egypt-by-train/
#aliceroberts #sbsondemand #egypt #travel
I really loved #TimeTeam absolutely non-triggering, but I've now moved on to #AliceRoberts archaeology programmes and youtube @NicolaWhiteMudlark
#BookHistory favourites from 2022
#Ancestors, #AliceRoberts, professor of the Public Engagement in Science, #UniversityOfBirmingham
Well written, detailed, what you would expect.
Runner up:
#bookhistory #ancestors #aliceroberts #UniversityofBirmingham
Evening reading (rather than work reading, or falling asleep in bed reading). Needs a bit of concentration but is packed with rewards.
#reading #books #anthropology #archaeology #bbc #AliceRoberts #human #history #palaeohistory
#reading #books #anthropology #archaeology #bbc #aliceroberts #human #history #palaeohistory
- Colchester chap here -
Who watched the Detectorists Christmas special? How good was that?
Did I see Alice Roberts? I think i did.
#Detectorists #mackenziecrook #tobyjones #aliceroberts
Another book review on my Zen Mischief blog:
#Blog #ZenMischief #Books #AliceRoberts
#blog #ZenMischief #books #aliceroberts
Another book review on my Zen Mischief blog:
#Blog #ZenMischief #Books #AliceRoberts
#blog #ZenMischief #books #aliceroberts
Tucking into a good book on a cold Saturday morning, #coffee in hand … does it get any better than this? #ReadingSaturday #weekendreadinglist #celtic #AliceRoberts #archeology #bookstodon
#bookstodon #archeology #aliceroberts #celtic #weekendreadinglist #readingsaturday #Coffee
Happy late Saturday morning, heffalumpers. (If English is not your first language, that’s a Winnie the Pooh reference.) It’s a cold & blindingly sunny day, here in the #PacificNorthWest. I’ve got a #kindle version of one of #AliceRoberts books for my #weekendreadinglist. #Coffee is ready. Have a beautiful bird-free day, y’all! 😁🖖🏽
#Coffee #weekendreadinglist #aliceroberts #kindle #PacificNorthWest