I really love Alice Sara Ott’s takes on Chopin. Her playing is always so expressive and her willingness to focus on the melody and tone instead of stretching the vertosity is refreshing. The piano lacks a bit on this video, but still very nice. It has inspired me to take on the raindrops prelude sometime this year.
#classical #classicalmusic #chopin #alicesaraott
:verified: Last Saturday, January 14th, Cristian Macelaru conducted the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and piano soloist Alice Sara Ott in music of Saint-Saëns, Ravel, and Shostakovich. Review at 88.1 KDHX #classicalmusic #StLouisSymphonyOrchestra #alicesaraott #CristianMacelaru https://kdhx.org/articles/classical/2966-symphony-review-a-romp-through-ravel-s-candy-story-by-ott-and-m%C4%83celaru-at-the-slso
#classicalmusic #stlouissymphonyorchestra #alicesaraott #cristianmacelaru