Don't know who needs this today but (from Alice Wong's Year of the Tiger)
I’m really enjoying this conversation between Sandy Ho and Vu Le, inspired by Alice Wong’s incredible book, Year of the Tiger, hosted by the Longmore Institute!
#TigerTalks #YearOfTheTigerBook #AliceWong #SandyHo #Disability #DisVisibility #VuLe #NonprofitAF #professionalism
#TigerTalks #yearofthetigerbook #alicewong #sandyho #disability #disvisibility #vule #nonprofitaf #professionalism
From #AliceWong at the bird site:
“This Wednesday, 12/7,
4 pm Pacific
Online book event for #YearOfTheTiger
Tiger Talk: Dismantling the Culture of Professionalism w/ @NonprofitAF & @NotYourAvgHo101
ASL/Captioning provided. Free book giveaway for attendees!”
Register here:
What I’m listening to today: #JanelleMonae, #Lizzo, #HAIM and #SampaTheGreat
What I’m watching today: I’ll be watching another episode of #TheOwlHouse tonight! Last night my partner and I watched season 1 ep 16 “The Enchanting Grom Fight”. It made my heart super happy. That dance at the end! 😍🥰
What I’m reading today:
I’m still crip reading, exploring and experiencing #YearOfTheTiger by #AliceWong. Today I’m rereading the first section, Origins. Here’s a quote:
“I grew up hearing terms such as weakness, congenital, defect, pathology, and abnormal associated with me. I didn’t realise the way it assaulted my personhood. Those words transformed into sources of power and resistance as I fell into my imagination through reading, writing, and watching a whole lot of television… There’s something incredibly affirming about seeing yourself reflected in popular culture… Nerd culture - in books, movies and television - filled me up and transformed the way I viewed my disability since my nascent origins. Who are nerds if not those left out, ridiculed, neglected and undervalued by dominant society? Who are nerds if not those who embrace difference, seek community, and support the powerless?” 🔥 Alice Wong 🔥
#janellemonae #lizzo #Haim #sampathegreat #theowlhouse #YearOfTheTiger #alicewong #amreading #amwatching #bookstodon
Though I was born into a world without the ADA, by the time my disability made itself known, the ADA was there for me. I owe an insurmountable debt of gratitude to my disabled elders for their disability rights activism.
Alice Wong is one of those elders, and her memoir, YEAR OF THE TIGER, is a gift, a testimony to a disabled life well lived and ongoing.
#Bookstodon #Memoir #Disability #AliceWong #DisabilityJustice
#bookstodon #memoir #disability #alicewong #disabilityjustice