by #AliciaWang in #Imprint:
"On Wednesday afternoon at approximately 4 p.m., a stabbing incident occurred toward the end of PHIL 202: Gender Issues in Hagey Hall...
"Jinming Li, an arts and business student in the class, was an eyewitness to the event. According to Li, a man of about 20-30 years of age entered the class and asked the professor what the class was about. The man closed the door, pulled two knives out of his backpack and proceeded to attack the professor. Students ran to the back of the class to exit out of the one class entrance."
#violence #stabbing #GenderStudies #HigherEducation #UniversityOfWaterloo #education #terrorism
#aliciawang #imprint #violence #stabbing #genderstudies #highereducation #universityofwaterloo #education #terrorism