New review posed, a look at a novel based on William Gibson’s unused Alien 3 screenplay.
A potentially good Alien film? Or just a good Sci-Fi/Horror story?
#Alien3 #WilliamGibson #PatCadigan #Horror #sciencefiction #bookreview @titanbooks
#bookreview #sciencefiction #horror #patcadigan #williamgibson #alien3
Yeah so what if I put a projector in my room so I could watch #Alien on my wall. So what?
#movies #aliens #alien3 #alienresurrection
#alienresurrection #alien3 #aliens #movies #alien
Today sees a new episode of #TheXenopod: @JimGR and @simonxix dive into the infamous ALIEN³. Pick it up at all good pod sources or We discuss #Alien3’s unfortunate scripting issues, troubled pre-production, and how it exemplifies the #Alien franchise’s identity crisis.
On June 4, 1992, Alien 3 debuted in Australia. Here’s a portrait of Sigourney Weaver on a Postal Sticker to mark the occasion!
#Alien3 #DavidFincher #SigourneyWeaver #Ripley #StickerArt #ScienceFiction #SciFiHorror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #PenDrawing #Art #FanArt #DystopianScienceFiction #DystopianSciFi #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#alien3 #DavidFincher #sigourneyweaver #ripley #stickerart #sciencefiction #scifihorror #horrormovies #horrorart #pendrawing #art #FanArt #DystopianScienceFiction #DystopianSciFi #movieart #moviehistory
#GIF #alien #aliens #alien3 #alienresurrection #movie #scifi #alienvspredator #Art
Movie Special Alien³ No.3
Dark Horse Comics International UK
September 1992 (no cover date)
Cover Art: Art Suydam
My own copy.
#WeylandWednesday #alien #aliens #alien3 #horror #sf #sciencefiction
#weylandwednesday #alien #aliens #alien3 #horror #sf #sciencefiction
Movie Special Alien³ No.2
Dark Horse Comics International UK
August 1992 (no cover date)
Cover Art: Art Suydam
My own copy.
#WeylandWednesday #alien #aliens #alien3 #horror #sf #sciencefiction
#weylandwednesday #alien #aliens #alien3 #horror #sf #sciencefiction
Movie Special Alien³ No.1
Dark Horse Comics International UK
August 1992
Cover Art: Art Suydam
My own copy.
#WeylandWednesday #alien #aliens #alien3 #horror #sf #sciencefiction
#weylandwednesday #alien #aliens #alien3 #horror #sf #sciencefiction
@ludoiochem I haven't been as enthused about his movies in the past two decades, but I'm one of the few who really love #Alien3, and from there through #Se7en, #TheGame, #FightClub and even #PanicRoom is just a great body of work.
#panicroom #fightclub #thegame #se7en #alien3
@TheThing1982IM Personally, I like the solo #Xenomorph atmosphere of #Alien and #Alien3. I feel like it has more of a #horror vibe than the action packed #Aliens installment. It’s a fantastic movie and it was my favorite for years, but as I’ve gotten older and my love for horror has grown, #Alien became my favorite and #Alien3 behind it. This does not apply to #AlienResurrection, though I do enjoy it, as well. #Prometheus was okay and #AlienCovenant, I didn’t really enjoy.
#aliencovenant #prometheus #alienresurrection #aliens #horror #alien3 #alien #xenomorph
RT @avpgalaxy
On this day, in another 69 years, in 2092 Ellen Ripley will be born at the Olympia colony on the moon. #OnThisDay #EllenRipley #SigourneyWeaver #Alien #Aliens #Alien3
#onthisday #ellenripley #sigourneyweaver #alien #aliens #alien3
Me, every time someone asks me what are my New Year’s resolutions.
#NewYearsResolutions #Alien3 #Ripley #Xenomorph #ItMe #FOff #AlienMarathon #Alien
#alien #alienmarathon #foff #itme #xenomorph #ripley #alien3 #newyearsresolutions
On December 3, 1993 Alien 3 debuted in Romania. Here's a drawing of Ripley on a Postal Sticker to mark the occasion!
#Alien3 #DavidFincher #SigourneyWeaver #ScreamQueen #Horror #SciFi #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #DystopianSciFi #StickerArt #FanArt #MovieHistory
#alien3 #DavidFincher #sigourneyweaver #screamqueen #horror #scifi #horrorart #scifiart #DystopianSciFi #stickerart #FanArt #moviehistory
“This is the choice. You die sitting here on your ass or to die out there”
All shot practically using #miniatures #MastoArt #twitter #photography #cinema #movies #film #creative #artist #art #scifi #cinematography #fanart #cinemastodon #masto #popculture #xenomorph #alien #alien3 #scifiart #horror
#horror #scifiart #alien3 #alien #xenomorph #popculture #masto #cinemastodon #fanart #cinematography #scifi #art #artist #creative #film #movies #cinema #photography #twitter #MastoArt #miniatures
To this day the full body shots of the Alien in Alien 3 are still mistaken for early CGI. They were in fact a rod puppet that was filmed against a blue screen and then later composited into the set footage. 1/2 #Alien3 #Alien330th #30DaysFor30Years #AmalgamatedDynamicsInc
#alien3 #Alien330th #30DaysFor30Years #AmalgamatedDynamicsInc
#DarkHorseComics ens torna a donar una brutal alegria als fans d' #ALIEN. Després del còmic basat en un dels primers guions d' #Alien3, als EEUU ja ha eixit un altre fent el mateix amb la primera pel·lícula i el guió de #DanOBannon.
#darkhorsecomics #alien #alien3 #DanOBannon #terror #vinyetes #aliens
Tema principal d' #Alien3 a #SegaMegaDrive. Musicot del bo, si et mola l'estil dels huitanta. #Estem tastant les diverses versions d'aquest joc que va eixir per a totes les plataformes de l'època: #NES #SNES #C64 #MasterSystem #Amiga #GameBoy #ActionHorror
#alien3 #segamegadrive #estem #nes #snes #c64 #mastersystem #amiga #gameboy #actionhorror