#GreatAlbums1990s – #GuidedByVoices - #AlienLanes (1995). Cramming 28 songs on a single disc, Dayton’s Robert Pollard and company deliver catchy hooks with almost Beatlesque (or at least Rutlesque) intensity. “Watch Me Jumpstart,” “As We Go Up, We Go Down,” “Game of Pricks” and “Motor Away” are standout tracks in a set that scatters delights at the listener by the minute. The demo-quality sound made GBV perpetual outsiders during the alt-rock craze.
#Albums, #Music, #Reviews, #Rock, #1990s
#1990s #rock #reviews #Music #albums #alienlanes #guidedbyvoices #greatalbums1990s
Guided by Voices’ “Alien Lanes” was released on this date in 1995.
#guidedbyvoices #robertpollard #gbv #alienlanes #baseballcards #cardart
#GuidedByVoices #robertpollard #GBV #alienlanes #baseballcards #cardart