An ET infrastructure establishes itself in the Solar System, elements of which arrive on Earth, neither mooks nor invaders, which have strictly the visual capabilities of mantis shrimp. Their behavior changes; there is an OODA-loop.
#sciencefiction #aliennation #battlela #titanae
SciFi movies released in 1988...pick your favorite.
#Movies #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#aliennation #earthgirlsareeasy #theylive #macandme #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Now probably wouldn't be the best time for the Tenctonese (Newcomers) to arrive. Or perhaps that explains why they crash landed in Mojave.
Yes, I loved the Movie AND the TV show.
No, you are not alone.
I thought the recent movie 'Bright' did a reasonable job of updating that somewhat hopeful take on grappling with racism - without ripping off #AlienNation directly.
Or was I the only one that watched 'Bright
and thought it was at least produced by a fan of #AlienNation?
#30DaySongChallenge #JoinIn #Music
Day 25: a song you like by an artist no longer living - #DavidBowie, Scary Monsters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHywdqH3F6Y
There are so many choices from Bowie's catalog that I'd love to share, but I'm going with this one. I first heard it in a scene in the movie #AlienNation (shut up, yes, I am a huge geek.)
#30daysongchallenge #joinin #music #davidbowie #aliennation
Remember Alien Nation? The 1988 movie that spawned a television show, five TV movies, a bunch of novels, and multiple comic series? No? Really? I'm the only one?
#Comics #AlienNation #DollarBinDiscovery
#comics #aliennation #dollarbindiscovery
@Madame_Regal Looking forward to watching it. We'll soon finish either #QuantumLeap or #AlienNation, then we'll watch #Wednesday
#quantumleap #aliennation #wednesday
If you like #music one of my favorites from this planet is #Caskey. Latest album was 🔥 and stays in rotation at the #gym or on #solo #hikes #blacksheep #aliennation 👽
#music #caskey #gym #solo #hikes #blacksheep #aliennation
¡Hola! Les dejo dos imágenes de Alien Nación o Misión Alien (Alien Nation). Dirigida por Graham Baker se estrenó en EEUU en 1988.
Sinopsis: un grupo de refugiados alienígenas llega a la Tierra en su nave espacial huyendo de otra raza alienígenas y empiezan a integrarse realizando diversos trabajos, entre ellos en el departamento de policía de la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
#AlienNation #AlienNacion #MisionAlien #GrahamBaker #CienciaFiccion #SciFi #Cine #Películas #Película #Movie #Movies
#aliennation #aliennacion #misionalien #grahambaker #cienciaficcion #SciFi #cine #peliculas #pelicula #movie #movies