remember the rogue AI drone mentioned at the “Future Combat Air and Space Capabilities Summit in London, May 2023”?
“A US air force colonel “misspoke” when he said at a Royal Aeronautical Society conference last month that a drone killed its operator in a simulated test because the pilot was attempting to override its mission, according to the society.”
Nothing to see here, move along.
#AI / #LLM / #AlignmentProblem / #CounterIntel / #RAS / #drones / #USAF <>
#ai #LLM #alignmentproblem #counterintel #RAS #drones #usaf
Tobias S. Buckell's #scifi novel is practically about the #AI #alignmentproblem...
“You need to be raised, and in your own body. You’re not just a mind in a jar—that’s an old theory of consciousness. You’re a grown being. A whole being. Your gut bacteria, spinal column, the society around you, all of that creates an entire person, as well as the experiences and time that it passes through. You can’t just manufacture a thinking robot. We have to raise it.”
Interesting and informative interview with OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever
Good clarity and context around OpenAIs approach to LLMs
I noted a few key points in the reply below
(I have personal interest in this but also will present on it as work next month)
#LLM #OpenAI #IlyaSutskever #ChatGPT #BingChat #NeuralNetwork #AlignmentProblem
#alignmentproblem #neuralnetwork #bingchat #chatgpt #ilyasutskever #openai #llm