Hab dann auch nochmal das SNES #Zelda #ALinkToThePast angespielt, und was soll ich sagen, Knöpfe durcheinander bringen kann ich auch da, aber wenigstens kann ich da nicht in die falsche Richtung schauen. 😜
Good VGM 188 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Dark World
#Zelda #ALinkToThePast #ALttP #LoZ #LegendOfZelda #SNES #KojiKondo #VideoGameMusic #videogames #music #vgm
#vgm #Music #videogames #videogamemusic #kojikondo #snes #legendofzelda #loz #alttp #alinktothepast #zelda
Did you know you can fight Trinexx without the Fire Rod or Ice Rod? It requires a different rod, but it's a very convenient trick, and a fun way to beat the boss. Trust me, A Link to the Past is one of the Zeldas I know well.
See my art a month early by pledging $5 to my Patreon!
#male #lizard #dragon #trinexx #thelegendofzelda #alinktothePast #alttp #hydra #oral #anal #rimming #kissing #blowjob #rimjob #ultilix
#male #lizard #dragon #trinexx #thelegendofzelda #alinktothepast #alttp #hydra #oral #anal #rimming #kissing #blowjob #rimjob #ultilix
@OnceUponAGoblin @apazanselmo @nelsonavatar @snowgaze
This should be fun :)
#pharaohgame (and its expansion #cleopatra )
#tearsofthekingdom (because I haven't finished)
Also, does playing candy crush count?😁
#tombraider #simcity #tearsofthekingdom #breathofthewild #AgeofMythology #cleopatra #pharaohgame #ocarinaoftime #civilization #theminishcap #alinkbetweenworlds #alinktothepast #godofwar #thelastofus
With the #NintendoDirect a few minutes away, what would you like to see?
Rumors have a new 2d #Mario game and a #SNES remake of a game 🤔
Would love to see #ALinkToThePast as the remake🔥🤞🏻
#SilkSong would be awesome too see 🎉
Will you be watching or watch after?
#Nintendo #Gaming #NintendoSwitch
#nintendodirect #mario #snes #alinktothepast #silksong #nintendo #gaming #nintendoswitch
Just finished with #ALinkToThePast!
Now it's time for #LinksAwakening remake! :zelda:
#alinktothepast #linksawakening
Since I don’t own a Switch I’ve been quite jealous seeing the #TearsOfTheKingdom hype, so I did the next best thing by finishing #ALinkToThePast on the mini-SNES instead! #Zelda
#tearsofthekingdom #alinktothepast #zelda
Jeg må tydeligvis få tak i den boka på toppen av bokhylla, men hvordan? Noen #Zelda #aLinkToThePast entusiaster her som husker?
Now watching TheCHUGS (#AEW's #AdamCole) play #TheLegendofZelda: #ALinktothePast on #Twitch.
Now also watching BananaBrea, BlackBladeeeee, Lord_Kebun & Vader play #GTAVRP on #NoPixel on #Twitch.
Now also watching Cathie, Ms_Star & RemdogG play #GTAVRP on #NoPixel on #Twitch.
(1 of 2)
#NoPixel #gtavrp #Twitch #alinktothepast #thelegendofzelda #adamcole #aew
Another #Zelda book catalogued into #TheVideoGameLibrary to wrap up the week. 📚
This time it's a #ChooseYourOwnAdventure for #ALinkToThePast.
As usual, shout-out to the incredible @historyofhyrule for the scan!
👉 https://thevideogamelibrary.org/book/the-legend-of-zelda-the-triforce-of-the-gods
#TotK #BotW #TheLegendOfZelda #Book #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Books #GameBook #ALttP #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gamer #SNES #SuperFamicom #RetroGaming #Nintendo #TearsOfTheKingdom #ZeldaALttP
#zeldaalttp #tearsofthekingdom #Nintendo #retrogaming #superfamicom #snes #gamer #videogames #videogame #Gaming #alttp #gamebook #Books #bookstodon #book #thelegendofzelda #botw #totk #alinktothepast #chooseyourownadventure #thevideogamelibrary #zelda
Another #Zelda book catalogued into #TheVideoGameLibrary to wrap up the week. 📚
This time it's a #ChooseYourOwnAdventure for #ALinkToThePast.
As usual, shout-out to the incredible @historyofhyrule for the scan!
👉 https://thevideogamelibrary.org/book/the-legend-of-zelda-the-triforce-of-the-gods
#TotK #BotW #TheLegendOfZelda #Book #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Books #GameBook #ALttP #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gamer #SNES #SuperFamicom #RetroGaming #Nintendo #TearsOfTheKingdom #ZeldaALttP
#zeldaalttp #tearsofthekingdom #Nintendo #retrogaming #superfamicom #snes #gamer #videogames #videogame #Gaming #alttp #gamebook #Books #bookstodon #book #thelegendofzelda #botw #totk #alinktothepast #chooseyourownadventure #thevideogamelibrary #zelda
Time to go :live: once more, stream enjoyers! We're playing more Link to the Past!
#twitch #streaming #alinktothepast
Après quatre mois d'exploration, de combats, d'énigmes, de terrassement, le fiston et moi avons enfin vaincu le terrrrrrible Ganon !
#triforce #alinktothepast #zelda
Hey did you hear our latest episode?
Yeah well we did forget to post about it. Listen here: https://loretogether.libsyn.com/episode-83-a-link-to-the-past
You can also find it wherever find podcasts are distributed.
After that, click the link for our YouTube and get ready for us to livestream the first hour of #TheLegendofZelda #ALinktothePast tonight at 9pm CST! We hope to see you there!
#thelegendofzelda #alinktothepast
Just beat #ALinkBetweenWorlds for the first time. It's pretty enjoyable, with some great new concepts and solid classic #Zelda gameplay. I especially loved the merge mechanic, which helped make the world and exploration feel unique from #alinktothepast. The open structure was... okay, but the way they handled items kind of neutered the difficulty of the dungeons, with no multi-item puzzles or building complexity as the game progressed. It felt very easy (and short) as a result.
#alinktothepast #zelda #alinkbetweenworlds
Blossom Tales is an isometric adventure game modeled after the gameplay of The Legend of Zelda: #ALinkToThePast. It is developed by Castle Pixel, which has made two other games, including the Blossom Tales sequel, The Minotaur Prince. #VideoGames
J'ai découvert #TheMinishCap .
J'aime beaucoup. Plus difficile que #alinktothepast mais super agréable et mignon.
#jeuxvidéos #jeuxvideos2023 #nintendoswitch
#theminishcap #alinktothepast #jeuxvideos #jeuxvideos2023 #NintendoSwitch
🐰 🐗 Zelda klasikoak hartuta sortutako proiektu berriarekin gatoz: SNES kontsolako A Link to the Past mitikoa PC|ra zein Switch|era eramatea lortu dute zaleek.
Ezaugarri berriak gehitu dizkiote, nola ez!
#Bideojokoak #Zelda #ALinktothePast
#bideojokoak #zelda #alinktothepast