by #AlisonFTakemura in #CanaryMedia:
"Since its founding, the program has helped prepare more than 1.8 million Georgians for new jobs, according to Brown. Now, it’s applying much of that accumulated know-how to training workers entering the clean energy manufacturing workforce. Clean energy companies and their suppliers currently make up the majority of Quick Start’s clients, Brown said. And he expects that trend to continue, with companies bringing billions of dollars to the state and growing fast[.]"
#Georgia #CleanEnergy #manufacturing #training #QuickStart #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #climate #GlobalWarming
#alisonftakemura #canarymedia #georgia #cleanenergy #manufacturing #training #QuickStart #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climate #globalwarming
by #AlisonFTakemura in #CanaryMedia
"In May, senators Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) and Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) introduced the Pollinator Power Act. Its passage would direct the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to prioritize solar projects funded by the Rural Energy for America Program that create habitat for pollinators underneath the panels. Pollinators such as bees, butterflies and beetles are responsible for pollinating three-quarters of flowering plants and 35 percent of food crops, but populations are in striking decline, in major part because of habitat loss."
#PollinatorPowerAct #AgrivoltaicsResearchAndDemonstrationAct #agrivoltaics #pollinators #farmers #ecosystems #SolarPanels #photovoltaics #agriculture #JeffMerkley #CoryBooker #MartinHeinrich
#alisonftakemura #canarymedia #pollinatorpoweract #agrivoltaicsresearchanddemonstrationact #Agrivoltaics #pollinators #farmers #ecosystems #SolarPanels #photovoltaics #agriculture #jeffmerkley #corybooker #martinheinrich