The Kills sind zurück. Nach sieben Jahren Pause meldet sich das kultige Garage-Rock-Duo mit gleich zwei neuen Songs aus der Versenkung.
#AlisonMosshart #JamieHince #LAHex #NewYork #Popfilter #TheKills #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#alisonmosshart #jamiehince #lahex #newyork #popfilter #thekills #popfilterdersongdestages
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Alison Mosshart:
🎵 Rise
In his other #movies, the #songs he chooses to #play can be rather corny, but these #cover versions from the #SuckerPunch #soundtrack are pretty great, for being rather left-of-field.
Performing the #music are actors like #EmilyBrowning, #CarlaGugino, and #OscarIsaac alongside #EmilianaTorrini, #SkunkAnansie, #AlisonMosshart of #TheKills, #CarlaAzar of #Autolux, and #Yoav
#movies #songs #play #cover #suckerpunch #soundtrack #music #emilybrowning #carlagugino #oscarisaac #emilianatorrini #skunkanansie #alisonmosshart #thekills #carlaazar #autolux #yoav
#SongInMyHead whilst stood on the top of a brutalist 60's car park earlier today (I know, weird right?!).....
#BabyDidYouForgetToTakeYourMeds #Placebo #Meds #AlisonMosshart #AlternativeRock #YouTube #Music
#songinmyhead #babydidyouforgettotakeyourmeds #placebo #meds #alisonmosshart #alternativerock #youtube #music
birthday today
Celebrating his stunning musical legacy by dipping back into this vault full of treasure.
features all music from 1984-2022 that is recorded by or featuring Lanegan - solo, work w #QOTSA, #IsobelCampbell, #Soulsavers, guest appearance, etc.
There are also playlists curated by #Lanegan & his friends including #GregDulli #BobbyGillespie #DuffMcKagan #AlisonMosshart + more
#qotsa #IsobelCampbell #soulsavers #lanegan #gregdulli #bobbygillespie #duffmckagan #alisonmosshart #marklanegan
Happy Birthday to one of my fav rock singers, the amazing #AlisonMosshart. #TheKills #TheDeadWeather #music
#alisonmosshart #thekills #thedeadweather #music