Leading through crisis
Rose steered NatWest
Through Covid's paths and
#natwest #alisonrose #crisis #covid #leadership #cinquain #poetry
#natwest #alisonrose #crisis #covid #leadership #cinquain #poetry
‘The prime minister and the chancellor accused of … failing to follow due process amid concern over anonymous briefings that triggered the early-hours resignation of #NatWest boss Dame #AlisonRose.’
Well, I for one am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Let's get this straight. Alison Rose was resigned after committing a very serious breach of the Data Protection Act. The evidence presented by NatWest shows that Farage's account was closed for commercial reasons. The reference to him being a "disingenuous grifter" is incidental.
#alisonrose #natwest #dpa #nigelfarage #disingenuousgrifter
The offensive unfairness of our society underlined by #NatWest pay rises. #AlisonRose awarded £5.2M pay packet,banker's bonus pool increases 2 £367M, all because of rising interest rates. 2 ensure a stable society it MUST be FAIR! #RejoinEU #TorySleaze #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern
#natwest #alisonrose #RejoinEU #torysleaze #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern