I reviewed A Little Christmas Panto By Angela Britnell to start getting into the festive spirit. A small community tries to put on a pantomime against the odds. Click onto the link for full review. #AlittleChristmasPanto #ChristmasBook #Bookreview #Blog
#alittlechristmaspanto #ChristmasBook #bookreview #blog
I also #read and blog about lots of books of varying genres. I love #fantasy, #paranormal, #romance, #thrillers, all sorts. You can find my reviews at www.marthadunlop.com. My latest review is for #ALittleChristmasPanto by Angela Britnell and you can find it here: https://www.marthadunlop.com/index.php/2022/11/14/book-review-a-little-christmas-panto-by-angela-britnell/
#read #fantasy #paranormal #romance #thrillers #alittlechristmaspanto #bookblogger